Skilled Protector Rod
Adept Protector Rod
Developed Protector Rod
Evolved Protector Rod
Blade of Awe!!!
Corvid's Blade of Actuation*
Nickelclad Stormblade Z
Shark Sabre
Archknight's Adboardsary Shortboard
Passionate Forevermore Swornblade
Vector, the Betrayer's Bite
Voidforged Celestial Armaments
The End
Mechwog Render
Herald of the Eclipse Blade
Sleighguard Imperial Stormblade Z
Nith's Mighty Fang
Melee Chromatic Olympax Pulverizer
Galeforce Bloodzerker's Sword
Starsong Soldier Armaments
Fungibushi Shroom Katana
Wingweaver's Wrath
Wishweaver's Wrath
MADM Arsenal
Haunted Dragonlord's Might
Divine Kusanagi Sword
Zombie Hunter Armaments
Doomlight Skyshattered Armaments
Melee Aerodu Olympax Pulverizer
Illustrious Saviour of Battleon Armaments
The Fathershed Moment
Amethyst Sunder
Legion Shogun Armaments
Brackish Blade
Quenching Bloodzerker's Sword
Legion Monsterlord Sword
Oath of Desire
Radiant Starforged Light of Destiny
Lovestruck Swordalest
Festive Legionary Sword
Blade of the Unifier
Light Realm Warhammer
Festive Elf Arsenal
Radiant Bloodzerker's Sword
Copperclad Brightblade Z
Doomlight Dawnbreaker Armaments
Xalkos Thrax Bloodletter
Underworld Archfiend Reaver
Gingerbrute Gladius Brittle
Grove Breaker
Rune Breaker Mace
Terra Bloodzerker's Sword
Eternal Champion's Apex
Continuum Chronomancer Blade
Doomlight TremorHide Armaments
Devoured Apex
Blood of the Shattering Deep
Hollowborn Conjurer Armaments
Abyssal Bloodzerker's Sword
Legion Fan
Drakath Fiend Blade
Dark Chrono Paladin Hammer
Stalking Paw
Doom Knight's Blade
Stygian Cursed Crystal Hunger
Eclipsed Dragonlord's Might
Doomlight Eternal Armaments
Twisted Dragonfire Sword
Phoenix Blade
Infernal Champion Armaments
Warwolf Prime MAR/CHOSIAS ME80
Infernal Angel's Wrath
Bloodthirsty Protean Render
Dreamweaver's Scourge
Pumpkin Spice Blade
Hexbound Prominence
Rastille's Wrath
Blazing Bloodzerker's Sword
Heroic Titan's Grasp
Doomlight Emberheart Armaments
The Liquefactor
Conqueror's Eternal Reignbringer
Hailbreak Bloodzerker's Sword
Frosty Gingerbrute Gladius Brittle
Frigid Mirror Vordred Armaments
Sovereign's Mindsplitter
Frigid Devouring Scythe
Winter Warden's Basher Z
Cryo Dragonreaver Blade
Santarctic Punisher
Chrono Paladin Hammer
Knightmare Splitter
True Mighty Nemesis' Condemnation
Vigorous Forevermore Swornblade
Doomlight FrostRipper Armaments
Zurvana's Pity
Arms of Carnax
Mighty Radiant Caissa
Entropy Scourge Armaments
Voltaic Bloodzerker's Sword
Shocked Monkey Shortboard
Doomlight Shadowspark Armaments
Paragon Fiend Armaments
Airenal's Lance
Deft Armor of Awe!!!
Warwolf Prime A/GARES Type-IWW45
Wingweaver Battlegear
Winter Warden Z
One Storm Armour Z
Sinister Typhon Shard
Underworld Archfiend
H-Series Tempest Power Armor
War's Legacy
Infernal Angel's Liberation
Infernal Champion
Broodfiend of Nulgath
Bloodthirsty Protean Predator
Overflowing Typhon Shard
Legion Shogun
Quenching Bloodzerker
Illustrious Battleon Saviour Garments
Mason Form
Legion Monsterlord Armour
Defender General of Cerberus
Lovestruck Plate
Light Realm Champion
Mirror Vordred's Reflective Panoply
Gilded Mason Form
Champion Holy Avenger
She-Nyaa Form
Angelic Robes
Radiant Bloodzerker
Doomlight Dawnbreaker Armour
Fiend of Light
Light Lord's Cleric
Harvest Reaper Mason Form
Terra Bloodzerker
Doomlight TremorHide Armour
Gaia Plate
Fungibushi Armour
Galeforce Bloodzerker
Prismatic Wishweaver Battlegear
Tempest Mason Form
Zombie Hunter Garb
Prismatic Wingweaver Battlegear
Mark of Wrath
Haunted Dragonlord Armour
Doomlight Skyshattered Armour
Hollowborn Conjurer Garb
Eternal Twilight's Mantle
Abyssal Bloodzerker
Undead Bard of War
Shadowfall Raiment
Ebony Sepulchure Form
Edgy Mason Form
Umbral Walker of Time
The Decimator
Doomlight Eternal Armour
Warmaster Dragon Rider
Eternal Reign Plate
Void Awakening Form
Festive Mason Form
Hexbound Solar Core
Torontosaurus Rex
Devil Geiger
Blazing Bloodzerker
Doomlight Emberheart Armour
Hailbreak Bloodzerker
Knightmare Plate
True Nemesis' Testament
Bone-Chilling Mason Form
Santa Avenger
Doomlight FrostRipper Armour
Beachgoer Mason Form
Paragon Fiend Mount
Lazer Blazer
Voltaic Bloodzerker
Doomlight Shadowspark Armour
Plush Mort
Called Void Awakening Skull
Shentu Serpent
Spotter Drake
Land Hammerhead Shark
Angra Linnorm
Mog Lightnaut
Knightmare Squire
Festive Legionary Scorpio
Creature 72
Exalted Defense Drone
Fu Dog
Sleighguard Imperial Altair Z
Festive Deatharrows Cat
Plush Twilly
Moglinus Decimus
Mysterious Necromoglin
Twisted Pig Drake
Royal Cake
Mark of Ruin
DragonUltraMaster Chariot
Wingweaver Zephare
Wishweaver Zephare
Nickelclad Storm Owl
Copperclad Knight Owl
Baby Egg
Baby Egg
Reindeerling Slayer
Winter Warden's Abominite Z
Sea Turtle Defender
Sabre-Toothed Grenwog
Warwolf Prime NA/HuM S313
Ultra!!!Guardian Shield
Bloodthirsty Protean Maw
Dyana's Omen
Nickelclad Knight Defender
Wingweaver's Aegis
Eternal Champion's Defiance
Ancient Tower Scale
Lovestruck Defender
Void Awakening Wall
Infernal Chaos Cauldron
Heart's Defender
Snuggle Hearts
Voidforged Celestial Aegis
Illustrious Battleon Saviour Defender
Diversity Defender
Blueberry Shieldcake
Legion Aegis
Cerberus Shield
Benthic Cursed Crystal Ward
Amethyst Guard
Legion Shogun Defender
Sleighguard Imperial Shield Z
Festive Legionary Shield
Copperclad Knight Defender Z
Light Realm Protector
Moonfang Omen Shield
Retro Golden Shield
Mutant Egg Defender
Strawberry Shieldcake
Doomlight Dawnbreaker Defender
Shining Prismatic Stormward
Chieftain's IronThorn
Xalkos Thrax Ward
Gingerbrute Repo Shield
Geo Logos
Rune Breaker Defender
Earth Goddess Defender
Devoured Vengeance
Mountain's Talon Tower
Doomlight TremorHide Defender
MADM Barrier
Wishweaver's Aegis
Fungibushi Toadstool Targe
Starsong Soldier Brace
Trickster's Fanged Buckler
Zombie Buddy Bulwark
Haunted Dragonlord's Will
Lost Talon Tower
Doomlight Skyshattered Defender
Hollowborn Conjurer Defender
Umbral Prismatic Stormward
Eclipsed Dragonlord's Will
Darkovian Bulwark
Stygian Cursed Crystal Ward
Shadowrend Membrane
Dark Chrono Paladin Defender
Doom Knight Shield
Legion Shieldcake
Abyssal Chaos Cauldron
Doomlight Eternal Defender
Warwolf Prime SAMAEL ES3.6
Eternal Reign Defender
Infernal Angel's Defiance
Duke's Dontopedalogy
Full-Grain Grakma-Hide Shield
Orange Shieldcake
Hexbound Solar Photosphere
Blazing Father Time
Titan's Fall
Doomlight Emberheart Defender
Infernal Champion's Curse
Heroic Titan's Inspiration
Sovereign Horror Shield
Winter Wardstone Z
Frosty Gingerbrute Repo Shield
True Nemesis' Bastion
Nilak's Frostflake
Knightmare Omen
Chrono Paladin Defender
Frost Titan Head
Father Time
Doomlight FrostRipper Defender
Entropy Scourge Defender
Mystic Father Time
MindBreaker Defender
Sweetheart Shield
Doomlight Shadowspark Defender
Paragon Fiend Defender
Electric Prismatic Stormward
Shattered Vestige
Crow's Call Elite M
Crow's Call Elite F
Golden Skull Knight*
Endbringer's Revelation Helm M
Endbringer's Revelation Helm F
Sleighguard Imperator Helm M
Zfinity Gauntlet: Soul
Wingweaver's Spirit
Illumia's Spirit Gem
Father's Day Tie
Mountain Pass Globe Z
Devoured Stone Memory
Lovestruck Scope
Love Potion #736
Bell Shell
2021 Olympax Unity Medal
Zfinity Gauntlet: Power
Titan's Mug
Moontide Bracer
Iceborne Visage
Dark Chrono Paladin Hourglass
Mark of The'Galin
Gingerbrute Enforcer Jar
Nicety Seal Z
Celestial Phoenix Feather
Burning Heart Amulet
Gas Bomb
Chrono Paladin Hourglass
Communicant's Wisdom
Golden Goblet
Head of Raydius Dragon
Father's Day Sock
Mystic Plug
Zfinity Gauntlet: Space
Clever Disguise
13th Mask
Heroic Titan's Pledge
Reign's Memory
AQ's 22nd Birthday Cupcake
Soaring Heart Amulet
Hollow Dragon Amulet
Wishweaver's Spirit
Fungibushi Suitou
Urn of Daryngord
Red Moondial
Mermazon Crest
Guardian Colossal Shock Collar
Frosty Gingerbrute Enforcer Jar
Sovereign's Horizon Pendant
Order of Terror and Horror
Nemesis Crest
Everfrozen Shard
Summoning Stone
Essence Orb
Nicety Seal
Warwolf ANDrAS Type-PC256
Blood Contract
Buffalot's Beach Bod
Burning Question
Harrowing Dunes [SP]
Call Void Awakening Skull
Call Twilly
Call Shentu Serpent
Call Pridelord
Call Mog Lightnaut
Call Mosquito
Call Bun-Banneret
Call Dunamis
Surtr's Promise [SP]
Una Poca de Gracia
Call Creature 72
Prime Sleighguard Blessing Z [SP]
Chrono Phoenix [SP]
Terrapin Shell
Chromatic Channelling [SP]
Spore Storm [STR]
Ninja Lawyer Assassin Contract
Summon Essence of Carnage
Invincible Heart
Call Festive Chilly
Call Moglicorn
Call Megoi
Call Mysterious Necromoglin
Call Ramssy
Call Squee
Call Moglinus Decimus
Call Valentis
Call Aurora the Bright Huntress
Call Exalted Defense Drone
Santarctic Crusher [Strength]
2023 New Year's Surprise [STR]
Light Lord's Blessing
Dragonslayer Aura
Fire Dragon Talon
Sugar Gobbler
Keyote the Heart Crusher
Diamond Dog Guard
Silk-Screamer Guard
Nith (Classic)
Baorus the Deathwright Guard
Bun-Banneret Guard
Wabio Guard
Fluffy Thunderbird Guard
Mighty Shadow Roc'ky Guard
Celestial Phoenix
Chilly, Chief of Security
The Huntress
Mogloween Portal Painting
Snugglefest Portal Painting
Blarney Portal Painting
Grenwog Portal Painting
April Fools' Portal Painting
Gemini Twins
Alpha WereDragon
Bun-Banneret Void Painting
Wabio Painting
Frostval '21: The Knights and the Rat King
Frostval '14: It's a Wonderful Life of Crime
Frostval '19: A Song of Ice & Thunder
Frostval '20: Horror and Terror
Mother's Day LTS Portal Painting
May the 4th LTS Portal Painting
Cinco de Mayo LTS Portal Painting
Thursday the 12th LTS Portal Painting
Father's Day LTS Portal Painting
Summer Season LTS Portal Painting
Independence Day LTS Portal Painting
Pride Month LTS Portal Painting
Shark Week LTS Portal Painting
Harvest Season LTS Portal Painting
Frostval Season LTS Portal Painting
Frostval '22: No Place Like Home
New Year LTS Portal Painting
Legion LTS Portal Painting
Fool's Day LTS Portal Painting
Grenwog Festival LTS Portal Painting
Rainbow Path Festival Portal Painting
Back-To-School LTS Portal Painting
21st Anniversary LTS Portal Painting
Nickleclad Storm Owl
Harvest Golem
Frostval '23: Unboxing
Kero the ChronoCroaker
Winter Season LTS Portal Painting
Lunar New Year LTS Portal Painting
Lorelympian Games LTS Portal Painting
Copperclad Knight Owl
22nd Anniversary LTS Portal Painting
Frostval '24: The Miracle of Peace
Harbinger of Crows
Slayer of the Wicked
Chromatic Champion
Guardian of Destiny
Bane of the Night
Immovable Hero
Infernal Warmachine
Savior and Destroyer
Light of the Dawnbreaker Doom
Doomlight Dawnbreaker Champion
Pridefully Prismatic
Sinister Protean Predator
Bloodthristy Protean Predator
Infernal Archangel
Hollowborn Conjurer
The Rubicon March: The Last Line
2520 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Chessmaster: Checkmate
2505 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Frostval '23: Unboxing
6 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
The Last Ride: Finale
1006 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Blarney '23: Lepre-CON!
1012 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army