Arcane Nemesis' Condemnation
Eidolon's Reputation
Blade of Godly Purification
Blade of Awe
Nova Knight Falchion
Asgardian Truncheon of Thunderbolts
Grim Eater
Guardian Plate
Nemesis' Testament
Asgardian Thunderbolts' Might
Eidolon's Heroism
Grim Raiment
Virulent Chimeran Champion
Nova Knight Plate
Salvation Armor Z VI
Blazing Solaris Plate
Algern's Carapace
Inquisitor's Ardor
Ventus' Finish
Eventide's Premonition
Fairy Godmother
Guardian Shield
Nemesis' Bastion
Asgardian Thunderbolts' Precision
Chieftain's IronThorn
Eidolon's Meditation
Grim Totem
Nova Knight Aegis
Chimeran Champion Shield
Blazing Solaris Shield
Inquisitor's Resolution
Sackelberry Shield
Human Boy 13
Urn of Daryngord
Everfrozen Shard
Grim Visage
Teacup of Life
Beleqwaya's Gift
Light Orb
Head of Raydius Dragon
Blazing Solaris Helm
Nova Knight Great Helm
Shadowbat Swarm
Moglin Carolers
Deadly Dunce Dust
Midnight Rider
Nightbane's Apotheosis
Guardian Shocking Kite
Wondrous Recovery
True Spellcraft
Vegetable Garden
Fruit Orchard
Storage Building II
Red Dragon
Ice Dragon
Candy Golem
Frostval, Rise of the Frost Kingdom
The Frost King
Mother's Love
Nightbane's Last Stand
The Eternal
Temple of Hope Inside
Temple of Hope Outside
Bizarre Flecks: Mostly Harmful
4 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
BURPs 2010
4 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Blarney 2011
238 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Law of the Dragons
12 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Absolix Challenged
6 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Blarney War 2009
4 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Bizarre Flecks Part 4
4 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Resistance is Feudal: For Gracefang
4 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army