Blade of Awe
High Communicant's Grandeur
Eternal Champion's Apex
Hollowborn Frost Reaver Armaments
Lorekeeper's Oath
Moonshadow's Omen
Silverwind Prophet
Benthic Cursed Crystal Hunger
Academy Blade
Mighty Armor of Awe
Sinister Typhon Shard
Eternal Champion's Spirit
Champion Holy Avenger
Haunted Dragonlord Armour
Overflowing Typhon Shard
Scathing Dreamweaver
Shield of Awe
Heroic Titan's Inspiration
Dyana's Omen
Benthic Cursed Crystal Ward
Haunted Dragonlord's Will
True Nemesis' Bastion
Chieftain's IronThorn
High Communicant's Valiance
Shadow's Mighty Lightweaver
Hollow Dragon Amulet
Minotaur's Pride
Communicant's Wisdom
A Favour Repaid
Grakma Harbinger
Mecha Knight Power Core
Lost Talon Vision Shard
Heroic Titan's Pledge
Red Dragon
Legendary Adventurer
Gemini Rising
Reaper of Souls
Legendary Guardian
Guardian of Destiny
Timeless Legend
Champion Breaker
ArchGladiator of the Arena
Chromatic Champion
Hokuto Shinneko
Defender of the Decade
Hero of the Last Dawn
Chessmaster: Pawn Race
1 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Frostval '23: Unboxing
23 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Frostval 2014: It's a Wonderful Life of Crime
8 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army