Staff of Awe
Raynar's Ultimate Blade
Salvation Sceptre
Frosty Whirlwind
Zizzy's Dark Souleater
Loremaster Staff
Amalie Greatstaff
Granite Edge
Sila's Staff
Frozen Magic Flagpole
Copper Lightning Rod
Zardwarts Flibbity-Hair Wand
Arcane Holiday Colossus
Darkness Rising
Guardian Dread Eater
Holiday Colossus
Insightful UltraGuardian Robes
Dracopyre of Night
Guardian Block Armor IV
Full Metal Santa
Alterer's Dragon Leathers
Poisonous Chimeran Defender
Reign Plate
'Emoran Knight Armour
Vigilante's Creed
Dazzling Solaris Plate
Generalist's Robe
Stalwart Gatekeeper
Eventide's Guise
Elite Space Girl
Souvenir Girl's T-Shirt
Golden Dragonslayer Eclipse
Shinobi Shozoku
Elastic Man
Fairy Godmother
Fire Vampragon
Yellow Muhrble
Big Clone
Poisonous Baby Chimeran
Kuddwy Akriloth Plushie
UltraGuardian Shield
Scourge's Rampart
Dazzling Solaris Shield
Eye of Naab
Dragonslayer Shield
Cutting Edge Guard
Fusion DragonSlayer Shield
Hero's Heart
Elven Barrier
Heritage Memorial Shield
Blowout Shield
Power Shard III: Dr. Boom
Paxia Award Trophy
Light Orb
TeraSnide Transformation Formula
Head of Raydius Dragon
Pet Whistle
Water Sign
Helm of Drakonnan
Bar of Soap
Evil Eyeglasses
Love Potion #732
Time Cookie
Shield Generator
Extreme Recovery
Illuminate Ultra
Cave Crash
Brilhado Feathers
Drone Strike
Ice Nine
Earth Fury
Greater Spellcraft
Frogzard Shapeshift
Dragons of Calladus
Guard Tower
Trade Hut
Woodcutter Shack
Dark Mana Collector
Corn Field
Fishing Pond
Storage Building
Mega World Portal
Storage Building II
The Frost King
Portal to Kairula
Insult to Injury: Nocturu
9 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Insult to Injury: Glacius
0 char wins, 0 guards, 6 army
Bizarre Flecks: Mostly Harmful
0 char wins, 0 guards, 32 army
Fusion Dragons Two
6 char wins, 0 guards, 6 army
Paintball War
0 char wins, 0 guards, 5 army
Guardian Dragon War
51 char wins, 0 guards, 512 army
Bizzare Flecks 3: Part 2
2 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Shadow War
11 char wins, 0 guards, 19 army
Steampowered Undead
0 char wins, 0 guards, 15 army
Paxia Rush - Ice
8 char wins, 0 guards, 49 army