Wrayth Blade
Blade of Awe
Inquisitor's Renown
Hyper Pzycho Sabre
King's DuaLight
Guardian Menace Eater
War's Guardian Edge
Absolix Guardian Polearm
Venomous Chimeran Spear
Guardian Leather
Inquisitor's Ardor
Cryomancer's Robe
Lumenomancer's Robe
Tenebromancer's Robe
Champion Holy Avenger
Pyromancer's Robe
Whispering Raiment
Guardian Boreal Bolt Plate
Hydromancer's Robe
Fear Raiment
Absolix Pauldrons
Venomous Chimeran Knight
Guardian IceWolf Rider
Skilled Protean
Big Clone
Reign Phoenix
Guardian NPC in a Box III
Bobble Devourer
Lorelympian Torchfoot
Guardian Shield
Paladin Defender
Inquisitor's Resolution
Skilled Protector Shield
Chaos/Unity Shield
Guardian Menace Totem
Monster Pincer
Sacred OriTo Nun
Guardian Stretchy Trampoline
Chimeran Knight Shield
Human Boy 7
Sight Beyond Sight M
Granemor Lieutenant's Helm
Helm of Drakonnan
Exceptional Astramorph
Dark Lightning
Galvawk's Duty
Cosmic Blaze
Illuminate Ultra
Guardian Gnome Stampede III
Chilling Jack Frost in the Box
Aqua Purge
Light Blast
Four-Eye Blaster
Dragons of Calladus
Vegetable Garden
Woodcutter Shack
Mana Collector
Fishing Pond
Guard Dog
Fluffy Guard Sheep
Mutant Dracolich Guard
Phoenix Guard
Crystal Hound Guard
Earth Dragon
Energy Dragon
Red Dragon
Wind Dragon
Ice Dragon
Artix in Darkovia
Aquella's Light
Mother's Love
Portal to Trescol
Nerd Crusher
Expert Adventurer
Blarney 2011
8 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
4 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Battle the Pirates - Pirates vs. Ninjas 2009
1 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army