Asgardian Mallet of Voltage
Algern's Blade
Guardian Mouthful
Holiday Colossus
Frostval Merc's Blade
Solar Storm Blade
Spear of Awe
Luminous Spear G
Kan Tzicnal
Frigid Spire
Mighty UltraGuardian Plate
Full Metal Santa
Primal Garb
Whispering Raiment
Dracopyre of Night
Quester's Euphotic Salvation Armor
Morningstar Origins
Frostval Mercenary Garb
Champion Holy Avenger
Obsidian Cloak
Souvenir Boy's T-Shirt
Pria Knight Armour
Fairy Godmother G
Gong of the Wind!
Skilled Protean
Baby Klang
Retro Twilly G
UltraGuardian Shield
Elven Barrier
Asgardian Voltage's Exactitude
Spell Stopper
Admirable Tower Shield
Paladin Defender
Cutting Edge Guard
Frostval Merc's Reflexes
Eye of Naab
Head of Raydius Dragon
Pet Whistle
Granemor Captain's Helm
Power Shard IV: Hogg
Pearapplo Basket
Beleqwaya's Gift
Shield Generator
Sniper's Scope
Friendship Bracelet
Light Orb
Helm of Drakonnan
Pendant of The`Galin
Scrambler Beam
Summon Galrick
Summon Memet
Randomizing Beam
Frogzard Shapeshift
Summon Giliara
Greater Recovery
Guard Tower
Woodcutter Shack
Stone Pit
Corn Field
Battle Stat Trainer
Guard Dog
Guard Dog
Guard Sheep
BURP Guard
Mutant Dracolich Guard!
Dragoncat Guard
Red Dragon
Ice Dragon
Gogg Guard
Bishop Finch
Master of Evil
Mother's Love
Nightbane's Last Stand
The Eternal
Temple of Hope Outside
Golden Giftbox Painting
1 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Kragoth 2
6 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Frostval 2011 Delivery
1 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Frostval 2011 - Chillax
4 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Kabak Returns
2 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army