Sila's Staff
Eukara Doll
Cold Sore G
Mummy Leg
Harvest Staff
Dark Comedy
Frostval Staff
Rock Thrower G
Moglord Sceptre
Mystic Long Talon
Frostval Merc's Kris
Arcane Ancestor Axe
Enchanted Pixel Blade
Myrmidon's Pugil Stick
Fortuitous Bladehenge
Ethereal Amethyst Staff
Frostval '16 Commemorative Spoon
Frostval '18 Commemorative Spoon
Snugglefest '17 Commemorative Spoon
Blade of Awe!!!
Long Talon
Ice Katana
Cozy Warhammer
Geocastellum Mace
Chaos Axe
Pixel Blade
Moglord Axe
Harvenger G
Frigid Fang G
Dragonhand Z
Panforte Maul
Custom Sword
Platinum Edge
Eyes of Chillax
Unicorn Bowie G
Holiday Colossus
Patriot Blade XII G
Zombie Master Axe
Inclement Imposter
Cryocastellum Blade
Frostval Merc's Blade
Serrated Sacragon Spur
Horo-Show Void Vanquisher
High Communicant's Grandeur
Legendary French Vanilla Ice Katana
Paintball Gun
Spinning Yoyo
Jonagold Blunderbuss
Guardian Plate
Windter Warrior
Generalist's Robe
Festive Leprechaun
Headless Horseman
Eternal Twilight's Mantle
Hydromancer Bloodmage
Lumenomancer Bloodmage
Doll Form
Pixel Hero
Chilly Form
Void Vigilante
Chaos Armour
Loco Costume
Svadilfari's Oath
Full Metal Santa
Fujin no Kiyousa
Chillax Crusader
Moglord Tortress
Eidolon's Heroism
AntiGuardian Plate
ReignDragon Rider
Wyrm Knight's Hide
Champion Holy Arcanist
Blazing Solaris Plate
Nemesis' Testament
Geocastellum Robes
Gorgonzilla Costume
Frostval Spirit Armor
Morningstar Bloodline
Sweater Dragon Mount
Anthracite Coal Armor
Vicious Diretooth Form
Frostval Mercenary Garb
Enraged Paindeer Mount
Guardian Block Armor VI
Horo-Show Void Vigilante
Leprechaun Power Armor
High Communicant's Zeal
Time-Twisted Carnax Fighter
Eternal Reign Plate
Sugar Rush Guardian Armor
High Oracle's Taladosian Robes
Zombie-Tested Axe Master Armor
Cozy Goblin
Pixel Stalker
Retro Twilly G
Deadeye Cupid
Fairy Godmother G
Dire Wolf
Trjegul Jr.
Elder Flee
Mini Chillax
Something G
Fujin's Curse
ElBhe Doll G
EgGobbler IV
Rocko & Socko
Drag O'Lantern
Guardian Twily!
Naughty Helves
Frankenspine Jr.
Vampire Nerfbat
Carnation Floret
Hideous Eye Spy
Moglord Warboar
Ruby MotherShip
Squirrel of Order
Guardian Fishboy
Roasted Chestnut
Li'l Guardian Drac
Buccaneer Trobble
Buccaneer Monkey
Crag & Bamboozle
Striking Red Herring
Geocastellum Cauldron
Guardian NPC in a Box VI
Maddening Evil Candy Cane
Frankenspine's Guardian Remains
UltraGuardian Shield
Stout Talon
Father Time
Celtic Wheel
Gallant's Heart
Chieftain's IronThorn
Geocastellum Bulwark
Eternal Twilight's Regalia
High Communicant's Valiance
Pixel Guard
Eye of Naab
Moglord Shield
Void Vindicator
Hand of Chillax
Spell Barricade
NerfLord's Crest
Broken Ornament
Divine Yata Mirror
My Way Shield VII
Eidolon's Meditation
Fujin no Shukufuku
Bouncy Twilly Putty
Resilient Arm Floaty
Cutting Edge Guard
Ghost Knight Shield
Red Pinecone Shield
Frostval Tree Topper
Blazing Solaris Shield
Cozy Farzhad Mogloo
Cryocastellum Defender
Frostval Merc's Reflexes
Beautiful Crane Umbrella
Defender Leader's Shield
Monumental Tower Shield
Zombie Axe Master Shield
Horo-Show Void Vindicator
Sparkling Ornament Shield
Eternal Reign Defender
Amalgamated Frankenshield
Heritage Memorial Shield
Guardian Bouncy Trampoline
Sham's Off-Hand Blunderbuss
High Oracle's Taladosian Ward
Mystical Guardian Knotwork Shield
Mana Trap
Essence Orb
Windter Crown
Urn of Daryngord
Everfrozen Shard
Scrumptious Bora'jee
Shadowfeeder Pendant
Head of Raydius Dragon
Light Orb
Wind Orb
Quillion V
Void Visor
Troofle Fur
Pixel Ether
Aria's Rattle
Cozy Fire Orb
Zombie Heart
Excelsior Elixir
Paladin's Oath
Moglord Crown
Mindlock Orb V
Heart of Chillax
Red Server Cap
Taladosian Tart
Blue Server Cap
Shield Generator
Love Potion #732
Crucible of Fire V
Whoopee Cushion
Helm of Drakonnas
Warm Stone Goblet
Omega Astramorph
Friendship Bracelet
Blazing Solaris Helm
Guardian CrabApple
Luminous Wyrm Helm
Divine Yasakani Jewel
Horo-Show Void Visor
Pendant of The`Galin G
Guardian Valkyrie Helm
Lucky Wild Bingo's Foot
Guardian Golden Helmet
Power Shard VI: Dr. Boom
AQ's 16th Birthday Cupcake
All-Seeing Eye of the Sacragon
Frostval Merc's Smoke Grenade
Old Belfount Souvenir Snowglobe
Purple Rain
Deploy T.R.E.E.
Destruction Burst
Runic Binding [SP]
Kiss of the Angel of Darkness
Frostbite G
Blue Blazes
Pixel Storm
Biggest Fan
Green Envy
Ghost Blast
Imanok Edoc
Damnation V
Drone Strike
Eye of Chaos
Call of Chillax
Call RhubZard
Syrup Surge G
Midnight Rider
Deck of Hearts
Moglin Carolers
Summon Poelala
Carnax Stomp G
Sword of Wind V
Ultraviolent Light
Minotaur Ambush
Graveyard Smash
Moglord War Party
Call Poutine Golem
Guardian Toy Bomb
Void Dragon Ambush
Psycho Candy Hearts
Breath of the Ice Lord
Kiss of the Amesha V
Phantasms of Frostval
Sharpened Lawn Darts
Greater Pumpkin Patch
Luminous Wyrm Strike G
Summon LOCOmotive VI
Lady Liberty's Footsteps
Summon Guardian Angel
Summon Woolly Thoctar V
Frostval Merc's Regen Factor
Guardian Gnome Stampede V
Thunder Stalker Guardian Strike
Bun-Rangers Guardian Go-Kart Attack
Lost Deck of Guardian's OverSoul Cards
Vegetable Garden
Guard Tower
Trade Hut
Woodcutter Shack
Stone Pit
Mana Collector
Deren Wheat Field
Corn Field
Fishing Pond
Storage Building
Mega World Portal
Storage Building II
Deren Mana Collector
Storage Building III
Guard Sheep
Undead Ninja Guard
Phoenix Guard
War Dragon
Energy Dragon
Earth Dragon
Wind Dragon
Ice Dragon
Gogg Guard
MeGogg Guard
Death Worms
Bishop Finch
Red Moglinster Guard
Green Moglinster Guard
Blue Moglinster Guard
Candy Golem
Nerfkitten Scion
Drakel Bouncer
Portal to Trescol
Portal to Kairula
April Fools' Portal Painting
Gemini Rising
Sailing Master
Legendary Guardian
Mister Frostval
Queen Slayer
Haunted Mage
DragonLorn Keep: The Frontier of Perdition
6 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
War of the Fangs: Resurrection
12 char wins, 640 guards, 0 army
Dragons Gone Wild 2018
0 char wins, 598 guards, 0 army
War of the Seas: Soothing the Sarkanians
0 char wins, 452 guards, 0 army
Frostval 2018: Gift Delivery!
14 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Insult to Injury: Nautica
4 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Terrible 12 P1: Munch, Metalface, Terrestria
4 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Bizarre Flecks: Mostly Harmful
13 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Building Truphma part 3
0 char wins, 315 guards, 373 army
Bizzare Flecks 3: Part 2
4 char wins, 0 guards, 35 army