Mankind's Regard
Arcane Vigilante's Verdict
Visionary's Reignbringer
Havarti Blade
Blade of Awe!!!
Inquisitor's Renown
Omni Knight Blade
Asgardian Mallet of Voltage
Void Vanquisher
Curse of the Legion
Shadowfire Axe of Curses
Scurvy Blade
Galeforce Bloodzerker's Sword
Dusk's Distress
Kan Tzicnal
Mighty UltraGuardian Plate
Reign Plate
Inquisitor's Ardor
Dusk's Camouflage
Mankind's Moxie
Bacabs' Finesse
Asgardian Current's Vigor
Void Vigilante
Whispering Raiment
Reign Phoenix
Skilled Protean
Vigilante's Shepherd
Kittles Voltagish
Dusk's Foreboding
Templar's Contract
Bacabs' Bother
Shield of Awe
Asgardian Voltage's Exactitude
Reign Defender
Inquisitor's Resolution
Dusk's Crest
Vigilante's Bulwark
Mankind's Determination
Arthurian Shield
Human Boy 7
Human Female 9
Void of Nulgath F
Fiend of Light F
Pet Whistle
Helm of Drakonnan
Helm of Drakonnas
Power Shard IV: Hogg
Flaming Skull
Pirate Hat
Morningstar Token
Excelsior Elixir
Ice Nine
Illuminate Ultra
Greater Recovery
Earth Fury
EbilCorp Takeover!
2 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army