Staff of Awe
Copper Lightning Rod
Raynar's Ultimate Blade
Felicitous Bladehenge
Horo-Show Void Vanquisher
Vitae Thirster
Star Sabre of Pacifism
Blade of Janus
Spirit Katana
Runeblade of Auraxos
Insightful Armor of Awe
Generalist's Robe
Horo-Show Void Vigilante
Whispering Raiment
Pyromancer Bloodmage
Serpent Fang Gi
Primal Garb
Berserker Hides
'Emoran Knight Armour
Vampire Nerfbat
Legal Trobble
Axiomatic Chipmunk
Fiery Godfather
Buccaneer Monkey
Dinozard Horridus
Retro Twilly
Shield of Awe
Eye of Naab
NerfLord's Crest
Heritage Memorial Shield
Horo-Show Void Vindicator
Chieftain's IronThorn
Cryptic Assassin Shield
Starblaze Shield
Human Boy 2
Pendant of The`Galin
13th Mask
Horo-Show Void Visor
Mature Dragon Knight's Crest
Beleqwaya's Gift
Paladin's Oath
Pet Whistle
Amulet of Drakonnan
Eye of the Unholy
Kiss of the Amesha V
Mana Regeneration
ArchMage Research
Ziggy's Stardust
Ice Nine
Torturous Torrent
Nocturnal Knight Raiders
Trade Hut
Woodcutter Shack
Stone Pit
Mana Collector
Battle Stat Trainer
Magic Stat Trainer
Vegetable Garden II
Storage Building III
Master of Evil
Master Adventurer
Champion of Light
Expert Adventurer
Edge of Extinction: Fight the Necromancers
1 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army