Wicked King's Wrath
Sila's Staff
Solar Flair Staff
MotherSwan Staff
MotherRose Staff
Mother's Day Bouquet
Dagger of Awe!!!
The Liquefactor
Morningstar Demolisher
Pixel Blade
Templar's Distinction
Gaiden's Keen Blade
Holiday Colossus
Asgardian Bludgeon of Current
Horo-Show Void Vanquisher
Puebla Earth Mace
Patriot Blade XVIII
Reaper of Souls
Kan Tzicnal
Dusk's Distress
Neko's Bow
Mighty UltraGuardian Plate
Whispering Raiment
Generalist's Robe
Reign Plate
Advanced Werewolf
Angel of Souls
Full Metal Santa
Dazzling Solaris Plate
Morningstar Legacy
Augur's Taladosian Robes
Wicked King Plate
Holy Armor
Pixel Hero
AntiGuardian Plate
Horo-Show Void Vigilante
Reign Phoenix
Disgusting Eye Spy
Fairy Godmother G
Mother's Day Rose
Augur's Sacragon
Demon Soul Robot
Dusk's Foreboding
Templar's Contract
Skilled Protean
Pixel Stalker
Maple Leaf Turkey '12
Azamay Gneiss Guardian Golem
Frosty Godmother
Land Tiger Shark
UltraGuardian Shield
Reign Defender
Morningstar Bulwark
Lantern of Souls
Father Time
Augur's Taladosian Ward
Templar's Audacity
Cutting Edge Guard
Memorial Shield
Dusk's Crest
Chieftain's IronThorn
Vigilante's Bulwark
Pixel Guard
Horo-Show Void Vindicator
Eye of Naab
Fireworks Buckler
Veywild Guard
Human Boy 4
Red Valkyrie
Summer Time Male
Summer Time Female
Shadowscythe Templar M
Fiend of Light F
Veywild Helm M
Veywild Helm F
20th Anniversary Party Hat M
Power Shard V: Dr. Boom
Power Shard IV: Hogg
Mask of Calm
Beleqwaya's Gift
Morningstar Insignia
Amulet of Drakonnan
EbilCorp Logo
Shield Generator
13th Mask
My Way Helm V
Horo-Show Void Visor
Pet Whistle
Helm of Drakonnan
Head of Raydius Dragon
Helm of Drakonnas
Azamay Guardian Earth Runestone
Firing Toupée
Pendant of The`Galin
Pixel Ether
Mother's Charm Earrings
Fireworks Display
Great White Shark Jaw
Excelsior Elixir
Veywild Helm
Frost Elf Assault
History's Guardian Chalk of Chagrin
Drone Strike
Dragons of Calladus
Lady Liberty's Footsteps
Earth Fury
Extreme Recovery
Summon Icemaster Yeti
Iron Maiden
Summon Icemaster Yeti
Red Dragon
Ice Dragon
Master of Evil
Nightmare Town
Nightmare Family
Chilly and Robina
Culak and Kendrel
Mother's Love
Golden Giftbox Painting
New Year 2022 Painting
20th Anniversary LTS Portal Painting
Reaper of Souls
Shock to the Heart
Haunted Mage
Kingdom Breaker
Champion of Light
Blarney 2018: Ninjachauns
2 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Battleon-Seekrat Final Countdown
4 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Terrible 12 P1:TubThumper, Queen Hybee, Tyranna
60 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Terrible 12 P1: Munch, Metalface, Terrestria
66 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Terrible 12 P1: Algern,Seekrat
35 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Terrible 12 Part 1: Sawbones,Stragath,Fear Drake
17 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Bizarre Flecks: Mostly Harmful
4 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Flaming Undead
1 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Battle the Pirates - Pirates vs. Ninjas 2009
2 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Paxia Rush - Earth
2 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army