
Staff of Awe!!!

Tsunami Pen

Mystic Blade of Frostval Past

Eclipsed Dragonlord's Insight

Legendary Arcane Cutlass of Radiance

Legendary Arcane Cutlass of Combustion

Sila's Staff

Infinita Staff

Custom Staff

Healing Branch

Solar Flair Staff

Far Northern Wit

Moglord Sceptre

Atrea Dream Rod

Mystic Star Sabre

Crimson Vengeance

Sacred Paladin Mace

Prismatic Iridescence

Zardwarts Dragon-Frill Wand


Dynamancer's Bloodblade

Terra Bloodzerker's Sword

Tera'Suul's Drive

Airenal's Cunning

Regal DragonBlade

Star Sabre of Pacifism

Ultra Omni Knight Blade

Hydromancer's Bloodblade

Blazing Bloodzerker's Sword

Legendary Cryomancer's Bloodblade

Legendary Lumenomancer's Bloodblade



Pridesmatic Yoyo

Rainbow Raygun


Insightful UltraGuardian Robes

Terra Bloodzerker

Champion Holy Arcanist

Pyromancer Bloodmage

Cryomancer Bloodmage

Dynamancer Bloodmage

Hydromancer Bloodmage

Brilhado Necromancer Robes

Chilly Form

Mage Outfit

Angelic Robes

Airenal's Might

Inquisitor's Ardor

Ultimon's Armour

Moglord Tortress

Generalist's Robe

Hand of Tera'Suul

Blazing Bloodzerker

Knight of the Fire Orb

Offensive Test Armour

Armour of Frostval Past

Hyperalphean Barbarian

Lumenomancer Bloodmage

Eternal Reign Plate

High Oracle's Taladosian Robes

She-Nyaa Form



Pixel Stalker

Lively Hallow

Fairy Godmother

Legendary Soluna

Northern River Dragon

Ice Guardian Dragon Jr.


UltraGuardian Shield

Celtic Wheel

Cryo Chrono Shield

Tectonic Tower Shield

Strawberry Shieldcake

Dreamweaver's Contempt

Eclipsed Dragonlord's Will

High Oracle's Taladosian Ward


Pixel Guard

Airenal's Crest

Moglord Shield

Memorial Shield

Paladin Defender

Tera'Suul's Scales

Darkovian Bulwark

Chieftain's IronThorn

Hyperalphean Skjoldr

Shield of Agony's Blood

Defender of Frostval Past

Guardian Luminous Shield

Eternal Reign Defender


Human Boy 7


Pixel Ether

Essence Orb

Cyclops' Eye

Love Potion #736

Taladosian Pendant

Shadowfeeder Pendant

Rejuvenating Necklace

Zfinity Gauntlet: Power

Hyperalphean Dragon Fang

Angel Bells

Power Core

Shikyo Mask

Excelsior Elixir

Moglord Crown

Greater Water Orb

Helm of Frostval Past

Horo-Show Void Visor

Staff Master Emblem G

Sword Master Emblem G

Amulet of Drakonnan G

Insightful Twilight Mirror

Warlic's Oblivion Sphere

Mother's Charm Earrings

Crystal of Restless Shadows G

ZettaSnide Transformation Formula


Borrow G


Purple Rain

Gravity Crush

Runic Binding [MP]

Summon Poelala

Destruction Burst

Arcane Amplification

Whirl Tide

Star Forge

Frigid Fury

Pixel Storm

Biggest Fan

Eye of Chaos

Healing Wings

Spectral Chains

Blood Ruby Rain

Star Sabre Slashes

Mana Regeneration

Moonwalker's Grace

ArchMage Research

Candy Cane Cataclysm

Cysero's Teleport Booth

Hyperalphean Invocation

Kiss of the Angel of Darkness

Rainbow Unicorn Attack


Red Dragon

Ice Dragon



Twilly Portrait

Chilly and Robina


Portal to Trescol

Golden Giftbox Painting

Dragon of Time Portrait

Pride Month LTS Portal Painting


Champion of Light

Haunted Mage

Mister Frostval

Awesomely Arcane

Witness to Greatness

Once and Future War

Strawberry Shortcake

Legendary Adventurer

WAR RECORDS (latest)

Blarney: Fight Sham!
1 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army

Division By Zero
5 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army

Frostval 2011
7 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army

Paintball War
6 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army

Absolix Challenged
6 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army

EbilCorp Takeover!
7 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army

Building Truphma part 3
4 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army

Bizarre Flecks Part Two
3 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army

Paxia Rush - Ice
2 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army

Paxia Rush - Fire
5 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army