Enchanted Pixel Blade
Antarctic Athame
Abyssal Drowning Depths
Crimson Lyfang Mace
Elite Hoplite Xiphos
ChickenCow Bombardment Device
Winter Warden's Flail
Nightfall Heroic Titan's Herald
Blade of Awe!!!
The Liquefactor
Santarctic Punisher
Galeforce Bloodzerker's Sword
Onyxx Wartexx
Star Sabre of Hatred
Zealot's Wrath
Kaiju Killer
Gorilla Wolf Dom 'n' Ash 'n'
Legendary Hydromancer's Bloodblade
Terror Eater
Nulgath's Wrath
Mighty Blade of Frostval Past
Legendary Blazing Bloodzerker's Sword
Peta Dragon Buster
Ultimate Dragon Scythe of Elements
Curse of the Legion
Legendary Lumenomancer's Bloodblade
Legendary French Vanilla Ice Katana
Samukematsuri Katana
Ultra Krieger Blade
Legendary Terra Bloodzerker's Sword
Long Talon
Blood Storm
Sandy Claw
Your Bologna
Witch Waster
Ultra Omni Knight Blade
Melee Flaming Sword
Infernal Bludrut Blade
Wreath Wrath G
Legendary Hunter's Darklaw
Monolith Mace
Legendary Purifying Crescent Blade
Pixel Blade
Frostval Merc's Blade
Moglord Axe
Pumpkin Slayer
Chaos Axe
Sentari Edge
Shadowfire Axe of Curses
13th Machete
Frozen Dragon Buster
Divine Dracolich Devastator
Ruler Buster Blade
Eternal Champion's Apex
Blazing Dragon Blade
Festive Blunderbuss
Elite Emancipator Falchion
Great Cleaver
Shattered Soul Drinker
Crystal Cutlass
Far Northern Hospitality
Mistral's Breaker
Adventurer Figure
Lorekeeper's Oath
Deathwright Whipblade
Twisted Gauntlet of Xano
Voltaic Bloodzerker's Sword
Master's Blade
Haunted Dragonlord's Might
Titan's Mournblade
Thorned Harvest Light of Zealotry
Tempest Scimitar
MADM Arsenal
Possessed Diabolical Blade
Agony's Embrace
20th Anniversary Guardian Blade
Mighty Caissa
Nickelclad Stormblade
Unlucky Chainblade
Abyssal Bloodzerker's Sword
Winter Warden's Basher
Hollowborn Frost Reaver Armaments
Nightfall Heroic Titan's Grasp
Xalkos Thrax Bloodletter
Pumpkin Spice Blade
Heroic Titan's Grasp
The End
Custom Eternal Champion's Apex Z
Hailbreak Bloodzerker's Sword
Clockwork Scythe
Samukematsuri Warbow
Sterling High Noon
Sterling Anchor Chain
Carnel's Necrotic Blighted Scythe
Carnel's Infernal Blighted Scythe
Merry Lance of Frostval Past
Crimson Darklaw Spear
Elite Cai-Man Warden's Glaive
Elite Cai-Man Reefstalker's Glaive
Regal Void Charge
Edge of Malice
Void Spear of War
Crimson Dragon Strike Lance
Spider Standard
Santarctic Conqueror
Galanoth's Pike
It Ends in Flame
Winter Warden's Bombs
Nightfall Heroic Titan's Breaker
Mighty UltraGuardian Plate
Custom Eternal Champion's Spirit Z
Shadowfall Raiment
Blazing Bloodzerker
H-Series Tempest Power Armor
Santa Avenger
Trickster's Hide
Winter Warden
Terror Raiment
Eternal Champion's Spirit
Hexbound Solar Core
Fae-Touched Knight's Regalia
Mythical Warrior
Deceiver's Fortune
Haunted Dragonlord Armour
Voltaic Bloodzerker
White Knight Z
Galeforce Bloodzerker
Samukematsuri Samurai
Frozen Dragonslayer
Human Fisher
Cleric of Carnafex
Pixel Hero
Warg Rider
Angel of Souls
Angelic Robes
Chaos Armour
Windter Warrior
Moglord Tortress
Wicked King Plate
Moonchaser Rider
Fruitcake Berserker
Festive Bard of War
Demonmancer Plate
Golden Paragon Plate
Sweater Dragon Mount
Legendary Predatory Vampire Form
Frostval Mercenary Garb
Sugar Rush Guardian Armor
Leprechaun Power Au-rmour G
Flame Guardian Dragon Form Z
Elahi Waqaya of Osiris
Fatal Chimeran Vindicator
Zombie-Tested Axe Master Armor
Advanced Sol Neko
Heartless Beast Werepyre
Festive Leprechaun
Elite Umazen Emancipator Armour
Torontosaurus Rex
Quenching Bloodzerker
Hyperalphean Barbarian
Lord of Thunder
Zardshi Rider
Silk-Screamer Rider
Hare Raiser Magician
Superstar Muscle Mage
Summer Dryad Raiments
Champion Holy Armor
Regal ReignDragon Rider
Knightmare Plate
Scathing Dreamweaver
She-Nyaa Form
Shinyaro Form
Academy Exuberance
Abyssal Bloodzerker
Armour of Frostval Past
Kindred Spirits' Valiance
Mark of Wrath
Jack Claws
Overflowing Typhon Shard
Sinister Typhon Shard
Type-Z Necromech
Eternal Reign Plate
Fat & Tacky Santa
Terra Bloodzerker
Hailbreak Bloodzerker
Moglord Warboar
Winter Warden's Abominite
Psychedelic Dinosaur
Terror Aranacabra
Kindred Spirits' Tranquility
Ghost Hound
Cai-Man Shiprender
Reindeerling Slayer
Ice Guardian Dragon Jr.
Samukematsuri Kirin
Infernal Djinn
Mana Golem
Dire Wolf
Pixel Stalker
Baby Platinum Dragon
Dangerously Adorable Cabbit
Crag & Bamboozle
Deadeye Cupid
Guardian Fishboy
Mini Chillax
Drag O'Lantern
Ruby MotherShip
'Olive'-Class Drone
Mini Nulgath
Bobble Devourer
Snow Angel
Demon Soul Robot
Juvenile Lupragon
Blood Ruby Golem
Northern River Dragon
Shiny WoolZard
Dark Visor
Cometoid Jelly
Scathing Dreamseer
El Santo Moglin
Vampoglin Lord
Platinum Guardian Dragon Jr.
Knightmare Squire
Nickelclad Guardian Dragon Jr.
Opal Golem
Ice Cream Golem
Eternal Reign Phoenix
UltraGuardian Shield
Custom Eternal Champion's Defiance Z
Bone China Bulwark Z
Cryo Chrono Shield
Broken Mirror Defender
Haunted Dragonlord's Will
Glory of the First
Grinning Jack
Dynamo Defender
Fae-Touched Knightly Ward
Crimson Dragon Strike Guard
Accordion Shield
Frostval Merc's Reflexes
Titan's Fall
Pixel Guard
Elahi Ikm of Osiris
Moglord Shield
High Communicant's Valiance
Father Time
Charmed Knotwork Shield
Hand of Chillax
Sentari Guard
Shield of Agony's Blood
Soul of Sole
Stout Talon
Radiant Aegis
Chaser Bracer
Copperclad Knight Defender
Fireworks Buckler
Thunderbird Joust Shield
Serenia's Benediction
Desert Raider Defender
Hyperalphean Skjoldr
Thunder Lord's Crest
Mistral's Grace
Bloodfang Omen Shield
Lorian Shield
Mystic Father Time
Lantern of Souls
Dreamweaver's Contempt
Ancient Tower Scale
Spring Dryad Defender
Mountain's Talon Tower
Lunar Eclipse Shield
Winter Wardstone
Knightmare Omen
Samukematsuri Buckler
Nickelclad Knight Defender
Defender of Frostval Past
Nilak's Frostflake
Trickster's Fanged Buckler
Nightfall Heroic Titan's Inspiration
Chieftain's IronThorn
Hydro Blaze Shield
Honorbound Croakward
Herald's Foresight
Xalkos Thrax Ward
Heroic Titan's Inspiration
Golden Paragon Protector
Eternal Champion's Defiance
Eternal Reign Defender
Terror Totem
Human Male 14
Red Valkyrie
Summer Time Male
Kam's Kisser
Dare Debil M
Kallus Knight M
Captain Rhubarb
Skull Retro
Demon Retro
Khold Retro
SnuggleFace M
Shamrock Shinobi Masked F
Shamrock Shinobi Masked M
Undead Knight M
Undead Knight F
Cursed Dragonslayer General M
Cursed Dragonslayer General F
Corsair Elite M
Corsair Elite F
Sylich Elite M
Sylich Elite F
Serenia's Elite Defender M
Serenia's Elite Defender F
Northern Defender M
Northern Defender F
Cai-Man Hunter Hunter Elite M
Cai-Man Hunter Hunter Elite F
Dark Visor M
Umazen Prime
Umazen Hoplite Elite
Pentamad Head M
Vartai Champion F
Vartai Champion M
Spider Warlock
Blazing Bloodzerker Helm M
Terra Bloodzerker Helm M
Quenching Bloodzerker Helm M
Shadow Phoenix M
Shadow Phoenix F
Boreal Cavalier M
Boreal Cavalier F
Hyarule M
Eternal Champion Custom Helm M
Festive Elf Hat M
Shadowstalker Mask M
Shadowstalker Mask F
Endbringer's Revelation Helm M
Endbringer's Revelation Helm F
Heroic Titan Helm M
Nightfall Heroic Titan Helm M
Nightfall Heroic Titan Helm F
Wolf Queen's Champion Helm F
Wolf Queen's Champion Helm M
Warwolf Prime Visor M
Warwolf Prime Visor F
Blood Contract
Zfinity Gauntlet: Power
Zfinity Gauntlet: Time
Bag of Mixed Nuts
Spirit of Frostval
Prime Chaos Orb
Essence Orb
Ferocious Frostval Crown
Shadowfeeder Pendant
Terror Visage
Loaded Dice
Mountain Pass Globe
Angel Bells
Celestial Phoenix Feather
Guardian Valkyrie Helm
Shield Generator
Mother's Charm Earrings
Moglord Crown
Pixel Ether
Mindlock Orb V
Frostval Merc's Smoke Grenade
Pendant of The`Galin G
Blood Ruby
Quillion V
Kamohoali'i Jaw
Zombie Heart
Crucible of Fire V
Water Sign
Stone Sign
Iron Sign
Bronze Sign
Mirrored Specs
Windter Crown
Legendary Shadow Crystal V1
Taladosian Pendant
Bell Shell
Thunderbird Joust Headpiece
Frigid Zorbak Doll
Excelsior Elixir
Murderator Gauntlet
Desert Raider Helm
AQ's 17th Birthday Cupcake
Hyperalphean Dragon Fang
Frostgale's Remorse
Sight Beyond Sight
Clever Disguise
Steam Gauge
Mana Trap
Zfinity Gauntlet: Space
Zfinity Gauntlet: Mind
Zfinity Gauntlet: Soul
Porcelain Teapot
AQ's 18th Birthday Cupcake
Cozy Fire Orb
Cracked Ornament
Brightslayer Dirk
Hollow Dragon Amulet
Samukematsuri Oni Mask
AQ's 19th Birthday Cupcake
Bronze Kettle
AQ's 16th Birthday Cupcake
All-Seeing Eye of the Sacragon
Unbound Revelation
AQ's 20th Birthday Cupcake
Guardian Honorary Postdoctorate Diploma
AQ's 21st Birthday Cupcake
Opulent Opal
Helm of Frostval Past
Greater Water Orb
Horo-Show Void Visor
Head of Raydius Dragon
Amish Hat
Nightfall Heroic Titan's Pledge
Moontide Bracer
Heroic Titan's Pledge
Reign's Memory
Call Dunamis
Purple Rain
Timekiller's 3:10 [SP]
Transcended Water of Immortality
Santarctic Crusher [Strength]
Cherub Protection [SP]
Chromatic Channelling [SP]
Buffalot's Beach Bod
Void Dragon Assault
Undead Reindeer Stampede
Summon Icemaster Yeti
Call Mana Bat
Call Mogdin
Seeds of Restoration
Guardian Summon Mirror Ryuusei
Ninja Lawyer Assassin Contract
Call Maple Beaver
Frostval Merc's Regen Factor
Miraculous Pumpkin Patch
Healing Wings
Angelic Light
Moglord War Party
Eye of Chaos
Kiss of the Amesha VIII
Luminous Wyrm Strike G
Carnax Stomp G
Call of Chillax
Two Sizes Too Small
Guardian Toy Bomb
Consuming Wizard's Fire
Major Award
Toy Soldier Bombardment
Bomb-o-lantern G
Frostbite G
Samukematsuri Caltrops
Call RhubZard
Guardian Summon Eukara Vox VII
Call Sugar Gobbler
Summon Infernal Skull
[SP] Nature's Reclamation
Call Zorbonyx
Weredragon Breath
Hyperalphean Invocation
Call Katabar
Imanok Edoc
Call Death Flair
Invincible Star
Call Silk-Screamer
Rising Knightmare
Fowl Play
Your Hand Glows with an Awesome Power
Santarctic Crusher [Intellect]
Call Poutine Golem
Santarctic Crusher [Dexterity]
Santarctic Crusher [Charisma]
Nezujimbo Contract G
Call Bun-Banneret
Abominable Frostbite
2019 New Year's Surprise [DEX]
Spectral Chains
Guard Tower
Trade Hut
Woodcutter Shack
Stone Pit
Mana Collector
Deren Wheat Field
Corn Field
Storage Building
Mega World Portal
Storage Building II
Deren Mana Collector
Ye Olde Eatery
Corn Field II
Deren Mana Collector II
Deren Wheat Field II
Mana Collector II
Stone Pit II
Woodcutter Shack II
Storage Building III
Storage Building IV
Corn Field III
Deren Mana Collector III
Deren Wheat Field III
Mana Collector III
Stone Pit III
Woodcutter Shack III
Storage Building V
Cave Entrance
Dragoncat Guard
Red Dragon
Ice Dragon
Candy Golem
Master of Evil
Mighty Shadow Hydra
Mighty Shada' Naga Baba Yaga
Mighty Shadow Minotaur
Mighty Shadow Roc
Mighty Shadow Sphinx
Mighty Shadow Chimera
Mighty Shadow Gogg
Nickelclad Storm Owl
Copperclad Knight Owl
Mother's Love
Nightbane's Last Stand
The Eternal
Temple of Hope Inside
Temple of Hope Outside
Old Twilly
Older Twilly
Old Boog
Portal to Trescol
Chairman Platinum
Dracolich Head Portrait
Akriloth Head Portrait
Drakonnan Head Portrait
Carnax Head Portrait
The`Galin Head Portrait
SeekRat Head Portrait
Mogloween Portal Painting
Golden Giftbox Painting
Cinco DOOM Mayo Painting
Frostval '18: A Nightmarish Frostval Carol [1E]
Void Dragon Queen
20th Anniversary LTS Portal Painting
Kero the ChronoCroaker
Savior and Destroyer
One flew over the Kukoo's nest
Incredibly Hulking
Dragon Dragon Slayer Slayer
Un-Uncreated Unstoppable Warlord
Sham Jonin Menace
Master Terror
Slayer of the Wicked
Special Guest Star
Legendary Guardian
Ticket Taker
Sailing Master
First Mate
Cabin Boy
Disciple of Dunamis
In Hot Water
Reaper of Souls
Bachelor of Undermedicine
Deep Sea Fisher
A Gauge of Character
Un-Uncreated Unstoppable Warmonger
Un-Uncreated Unflinching Warmonger
Armchair Paladin
Dragon Dragon Slayer Master
Dragon Dragon Slayer Dominator
Shock to the Heart
Zard of Seven Seas
The World is Your Oyster
Saviour of Mogloween
Serenity, Avatar of Serenia
Frigid Nightmare Annihilator
Frigid Leprechaun Annihilator
Vessel of Frostval
Ultimate Unresurrector
Cai-Man Conqueror
Immovable Hero
Void Harbinger
Bane of the Night
Timeless Legend
Guardian of Destiny
Champion of Life
Dragon Prince
Dragon Princess
The Desert's Burning Heart
Frostval 2020: Never Alone
0 char wins, 0 guards, 1626 army
Dark Accession: Void Dragon War
1899 char wins, 0 guards, 2328 army
Burning Solstice: The Answer
2115 char wins, 0 guards, 1349 army
Umazen: Fight for the Loyalists
10921 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
War of the Fangs: Resurrection
6095 char wins, 0 guards, 1430 army
Harvest 2018: Teeming Mutant Vegetables
10711 char wins, 0 guards, 1113 army
Out of Order
5052 char wins, 0 guards, 1301 army
Dragons Gone Wild 2018
4931 char wins, 0 guards, 948 army
Chessmaster: Going Kukoo
8057 char wins, 0 guards, 1256 army
War of the Seas: Soothing the Sarkanians
8000 char wins, 0 guards, 1185 army