Asgardian Clarity of Voltage
Fright Sai
Skilled Protector Rod
Pumpkin Staff
Mutant King Club
Jingle Bells
Dragon King's Axe
Bedlam Flux Staff
SkyScorcher Arcanus
Banisher Scythe
Blade of Awe!!!
Master's Blade
Blade of Janus
Star Sabre of Passion
Frozen Time Spines
Light Dragon Blade
Light Dragon Blade
Guitar Axe
Stollen Maul
Sword of the Frost King
Switch Sabre of Power
Platinum Edge
Candy Cane
Fire Lord's Axe
Machete de Puebla
Prickly Rosethorn Lance
Void Spear of War
Bluestar Rosethorn Lance
Samukematsuri Warbow
Mighty Armor of Awe!!!
Advanced Werepyre
Horo-Show Void Vigilante
Whispering Raiment
Aeromancer's Robe
Geomancer's Robe
Holy Armor
Elite Dragon Slayer
Necromancer Cloak
Obsidian Cloak
Generalist's Robe
Protector Armor
Sugar Rush Guardian Armor
Shinobi Shozoku
Souvenir Boy's T-Shirt
Winged Guardian
Enhanced Vartai Armor
Bituminous Coal Armor
Mage Outfit
Dracomancer Armor
Explorer's Outfit
Transformer Armor
Rogue Outfit
Samukematsuri Samurai
Dark Visor
Fairy Godmother G
Ghostly Infernal Skull
Cometoid Jelly
Kittles Voltagish
Skilled Protean
Gong of the Wind!
Retro Twilly G
Infuriating Evil Candy Cane
Bobble Devourer
Ebil Toys
Buccaneer Monkey
Sprightly HanuBoy
Drag O'Lantern
Samukematsuri Kirin
Baby Frogzard
Shield of Awe!!!
Asgardian Voltage's Exactitude
Horo-Show Void Vindicator
Chalchiuhtlicue's Devotion
Mistral's Grace
Lorian Shield
Undead Terror
Inferno Shield
Mega Clover Shield
Blowout Shield
Shiny Ornament Shield
Skilled Protector Shield
Gyrate Shield
Winter Shield
Samukematsuri Buckler
Eye of Naab
Human Boy 7
Dreiko's Googly Gogg
Magma Leaf
Samukematsuri Oni Mask
Head of Raydius Dragon
Mother's Charm Earrings
Bag of Mixed Nuts
Taladosian Pendant
Essence Orb
Horo-Show Void Visor
Mystic Plug
Undead Knight Minion Helm
Sword Master Emblem
Eye of the Unholy
Dragon Spirit Totem
Taladosian Charm
Brightslayer Dirk
Delicious Bora'jee
Bar of Soap
Evil Eyeglasses
Ring of the Dark Wood
Helm of Drakonnan
Bronze Sign
Mogga Idol 13
Kaga Moonstone
Summon Krenos
Midnight Werepyre Spirit
Warmaster's Burst [MP]
Twig's Ewectwic Zappiness
Invincible Star
Sizzler 'Splosion
Sharpened Lawn Darts
Randomizing Ray
Frigid Fury
Warmaster's Burst [MP]
Drakonnan's Fury
Ninjat Flip-Out!
Call Guardian Angel Elder
Superior Award
Greater Recovery
Twelve Days of Frostval
Great Elemental Unity
Greater Pumpkin Patch
Vile Shadow
Samukematsuri Caltrops
Cherub Protection [MP]
Guard Tower
Trade Hut
Woodcutter Shack
Stone Pit
Deren Wheat Field
Battle Stat Trainer
Magic Stat Trainer
Storage Building
Mega World Portal
Deren Mana Collector
Woodcutter Shack II
Guard Dog
Fluffy Guard Sheep
BURP Guard
Mutant Dracolich Guard
Dragoncat Guard
Red Dragon
Ice Dragon
Gogg Guard
Bishop Finch
Candy Golem
Frostval, Rise of the Frost Kingdom
The Frost King
Earth Dragon
Nightmare Town
Nightmare Family
Chilly and Robina
Nightbane's Last Stand
The Eternal
Temple of Hope Inside
Temple of Hope Outside
Portal to Trescol
Frogzard Hunter
King of Lore
Master Duelist of the Arena
Pirate Scholar
Champion of the Arena
No Man Left Behind
Master Guardian
ArchGladiator of the Arena
Master Adventurer
The War Between Shadows: Shadowfall I
0 char wins, 52 guards, 187 army
Blarney: Fight Sham!
24 char wins, 0 guards, 13 army
Blarney: Fight Wabio!
0 char wins, 0 guards, 32 army
Frostval 2020: Never Alone
3 char wins, 0 guards, 42 army