Stellar Mana Staff
Sila's Staff
Blade of Awe!!!
Edge of the End
Greater Bright Blade of Victory
Nocturnal Knight Edge
Kindred Spirits' Enlightenment
Divine Kusanagi Sword
Mighty Retro Nightmare Mace
Retro Golden Axe
Energy Dragon Blade
Blade of Janus
Pixel Blade
Platinum Edge
Ultraviolet Blade
Guardian Fusion DragonBlade
Winter Warden's Basher
Knightmare Splitter
Fae-touched Knight's Retort
Dreamweaver's Scourge
Guardian Lustrous Fairche Solais
Guardian Frigid Spire
Maple Piercer
Mighty Armor of Awe
Insurmountable Gatekeeper
Kindred Spirits' Valiance
Rabid Diretooth Form
White Howler
Wyrm Knight's Hide
Ghost Costume
Blazing Solaris Plate
Pixel Hero
Holy Armor
Svadilfari's Oath
Winter Warden
Regal ReignDragon Rider
Daimyo Rider
Vampire Nerfbat
Moglord Warboar
Nickelclad Guardian Dragon Jr.
Pixel Stalker
Frost Effigy
Retro Trobble
Big Clone
Squirrel of Order
Maddening Evil Candy Cane
Roasted Chestnut
Guardian NPC in a Box V
Opal Golem
Retro Twilly
Winter Warden's Abominite
Lunar Wood Dragon
Shield of Awe
Chieftain's IronThorn
Kindred Spirits' Devotion
Frostgale's Grace
Guardian Luminous Shield
Divine Yata Mirror
Wyrm Knight's Scales
Frostval Tree Topper
Lunar Eclipse Shield
Moglord Shield
NerfLord's Crest
Cutting Edge Guard
Winter Wardstone
Cyclone Shield
Human Boy 1
Werewolf M
Power Shard VI: Hogg
Scarecrow's Heart Amulet
Divine Wasabi
AQ's 21st Birthday Cupcake
Shield Generator
Divine Yasakani Jewel
Essence Orb
Wyrm Knight's Crest
Guardian Valkyrie Helm
Opulent Opal
My Way Helm VII
Pixel Ether
AQ's 21st Birthday Cupcake
Guardian Dragonsblood Charm
Pearapplo Basket
Red Server Cap
Love Potion #732
Pendant of The`Galin
Pet Whistle
Blazing Solaris Helm
Blue Server Cap
Mindlock Orb V
Shikyo Mask
Moglord Crown
Mountain Pass Globe
13th Mask
Trickster's Pack
Wondrous Recovery
Call PikaTwilly
Purple Rain
Call Guardian Angel Elder
Jaania's Orb of Power
Summon Giliara
Guardian Summon Malinius VII
Summon Galrick
Moglin Carolers
Summon WarLichKing
Pixel Storm
Falltide Breeze
Moglord War Party
Summon Diviara
Summon LOCOmotive VI
Abominable Frostbite
Vegetable Garden
Guard Tower
Trade Hut
Woodcutter Shack
Stone Pit
Dark Mana Collector
Mana Collector
Corn Field
Battle Stat Trainer
Magic Stat Trainer
Fishing Pond
Storage Building
Mega World Portal
Storage Building II
Ye Olde Eatery
Corn Field II
Fishing Pond II
Mana Collector II
Stone Pit II
Vegetable Garden II
Woodcutter Shack II
Storage Building III
Storage Building IV
Skycastle Wheat Field
Skycastle Wheat Field II
Skycastle Windmill
Skycastle Windmill II
Corn Field III
Fishing Pond III
Mana Collector III
Skycastle Wheat Field III
Skycastle Windmill III
Stone Pit III
Vegetable Garden III
Woodcutter Shack III
Storage Building V
Cave Entrance
Guard Dog
Guard Dog
Guard Dog
Fluffy Guard Sheep
Guard Sheep
Undead Ninja Guard
BURP Guard
Phoenix Guard
Crystal Hound Guard
Mutant Dracolich Guard!
Dragoncat Guard
Earth Dragon
Energy Dragon
Red Dragon
Wind Dragon
Wind Dragon
Ice Dragon
Ice Dragon
Gogg Guard
MeGogg Guard
Death Worms
Bishop Finch
Bishop Finch
Jumping Brain Spider
Master of Evil
Insubstantial Banshee
Krie-Guardian Mage
NightBane vs. Wolfwing
Mother's Love
Nightbane's Last Stand
The Eternal
Temple of Hope Inside
Temple of Hope Outside
Old Twilly
Older Twilly
Old Boog
Portal to Trescol
Snugglefest Portal Painting
Harvest Golem
April Fools' 2024 Portal Painting
Legendary Adventurer
Battleon-Seekrat Final Countdown
0 char wins, 0 guards, 1121 army
Terrible 12 P1:TubThumper, Queen Hybee, Tyranna
4 char wins, 0 guards, 155 army
Terrible 12 P1: Munch, Metalface, Terrestria
0 char wins, 0 guards, 131 army
Terrible 12 P1: Algern,Seekrat
0 char wins, 0 guards, 145 army
Terrible 12 Part 1: Sawbones,Stragath,Fear Drake
0 char wins, 0 guards, 1151 army
Bizarre Flecks: Mostly Harmful
99 char wins, 0 guards, 2600 army
Division By Zero
8 char wins, 0 guards, 933 army
Harvest 2014: Fight the BURPs
0 char wins, 0 guards, 178 army
Paxia Rush - Earth
2 char wins, 0 guards, 86 army
Paxia Rush - Ice
56 char wins, 0 guards, 318 army