Arcane Ancestor Axe
Bad Luck Blade
GameBox Advanced
Frostval Merc's Kris
Blade of Awe!!!
Ultra Krieger Blade
Patriot Katana
Horn of Tera'Suul
Ultra Omni Knight Blade
Long Talon
Your Bologna
Kingdom Breaker
Onyxx Wartexx
Shadowscythe Breaker
Custom Sword
Frostval Merc's Blade
Purifying Crescent Blade
Fire Fang
Pixel Blade
TimeSlayer Axe
Frigid Fang G
Witch Waster
Planet Splitter
Moglord Axe
Guardian Melee Block Hammer VI
Prodigious Toymaker's Hammer Z
Puebla Wind Mace
Patriot Blade XII G
Holiday Colossus
Guardian Golden Edge V
Frostval Staff
Sword of Truth
Zombie Master Axe
Wreath Wrath G
Heatwave Spadroon
Solid Gold Guardian Blade
Balloon Blade G
Airenal's Lance
Galanoth's Pike
Golden Quindent
Frostval Merc's Shuriken
Mighty UltraGuardian Plate
The Decimator
White Knight Z
Moglord Tortress
Legendary Savage Werewolf Form
Windter Warrior
Horo-Show Void Vigilante
Fat & Tacky Santa
Algern's Carapace
Pixel Hero
Frostval Mercenary Garb
4-Leaf Clover Power Armor
Horde's Ire
Witch Hunter
Eternal Reign Plate
Shapechanger's Dragon Leathers
Full Metal Santa
Whispering Raiment
Guardian Horsefly Rider
Guardian Block Armor VI
Chillax Crusader
Mr Funtastic
Dracopyre of Night
Obsidian Cloak
Frostval Spirit Armor
Zombie-Tested Axe Master Armor
ReignDragon Rider
Knight of the Fire Orb
Fruitcake Berserker
Hadal Salvation Armor
Moglord Warboar
Fairy Godmother
Retro Twilly G
Legendary Pygmy Zombie Groupies
Kiwwer Akriloth Guardian Plushie
Psychedelic Dinosaur
Mini Chillax
Golden Guardian Gween
Li'l Guardian Drac
Guardian Cadenced Cymbal Monkey
Guardian NPC in a Box VI
Frankenspine Jr.
Pixel Stalker
BalloonZard G
Roasted Chestnut
Vampoglin Lord
Drag O'Lantern
Playful Reindog
Heart Hound
Deadeye Cupid
Maple Leaf Turkey '12
Mighty Morphin' Wild Golem Stranger
Cyber Doom Sheep
'Olive'-Class Drone
Land Shark
Dire Wolf
UltraGuardian Shield
Arc Shield
Horo-Show Void Vindicator
Hydro Blaze Shield
Zombie Axe Master Shield
Chieftain's IronThorn
Eternal Twilight's Regalia
Blazing Solaris Shield
Stout Talon
Accordion Shield
Father Time
Eternal Reign Defender
Water Shield
Moglord Shield
Earth Shield
Special Edition Linking Logs
Cutting Edge Guard
Beautiful Crane Umbrella
Eye of Naab
Blowout Shield
Bouncy Twilly Putty
Mystical Guardian Knotwork Shield
Guardian Bouncy Trampoline
Iron Buckler
Oracle's Taladosian Ward
Cheese Shield G
Charmed Knotwork Shield
Cosmic Ethereal Shield
Frostval Merc's Reflexes
Arthurian Shield
Pixel Guard
Red Viking
Head of Raydius Dragon
Urn of Daryngord
Bar of Soap
RanGer's Scope
Horo-Show Void Visor
Minotaur's Pride
Sword Master Emblem G
Feather of the Roc
Legendary Shadow Crystal V1
Golden Goblet
Moglord Crown
Power Shard VI: Hogg
Heart of Chillax
Scrumptious Bora'jee
Shield Generator
My Way Helm VII
Red Server Cap
Blue Server Cap
Pendant of The`Galin G
Guardian Valkyrie Helm
Aum Plant
Quillion V
Love Potion #732
EbilCorp Logo
Amulet of Drakonnan G
Rejuvenating Necklace
Zombie Heart
Concentrated Clover Essence
Kitsune Mask
Shikyo Mask
Frostval Merc's Smoke Grenade
Pixel Ether
Amish Hat
Fruitcake Brick
Windter Crown
Drone Strike
Guardian Gnome Stampede VI
Consuming Wizard's Fire
Wondrous Recovery
Greater Pumpkin Patch
Scrambler Ray
Scrambler Beacon
Moglord War Party
Sword of Wind V
Melore's Dark Statue
Call of Chillax
Moglin Carolers
Candy Corn Tempest
Midnight Rider
Summon Night Wisp V
Summon Plant Dragon VI
Toy Soldier Bombardment
Guardian Toy Bomb
Drakonnan's Fury G
Summon Nightmare Eukara
Summon Seductive Amoria
Psycho Candy Hearts
Lost Deck of Guardian's OverSoul Cards
Summon Guardian Dragonchaun VIII
Syrup Surge G
Bomb-o-lantern G
Frostval Merc's Regen Factor
Frostbite G
Pixel Storm
Candy Cane Cataclysm
No Lemons, No Melon
Vegetable Garden
Guard Tower
Trade Hut
Woodcutter Shack
Stone Pit
Mana Collector
Deren Wheat Field
Corn Field
Fishing Pond
Storage Building
Mega World Portal
Storage Building II
Deren Mana Collector
Ye Olde Eatery
Dragoncat Guard
Red Dragon
Ice Dragon
Red Moglinster Guard
Green Moglinster Guard
Blue Moglinster Guard
Candy Golem
Candy Golem
Master of Evil
Nightbane's Last Stand
Portal to Trescol
Chairman Platinum
Dracolich Head Portrait
Akriloth Head Portrait
Drakonnan Head Portrait
The`Galin Head Portrait
SeekRat Head Portrait
Mogloween Portal Painting
Snugglefest Portal Painting
Blarney Portal Painting
Grenwog Portal Painting
April Fools' Portal Painting
Golden Giftbox Painting
Fears No Fruitcake
Insult to Injury: Nocturu
9 char wins, 0 guards, 34 army
Insult to Injury: Lucian
30 char wins, 0 guards, 513 army
Insult to Injury: Nautica
43 char wins, 0 guards, 223 army
Insult to Injury: Dynami
4 char wins, 0 guards, 449 army
Insult to Injury: Aerodu
9 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Insult to Injury: Geoto
6 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army
Insult to Injury: Glacius
18 char wins, 0 guards, 332 army
Insult to Injury: Igneus
16 char wins, 0 guards, 416 army
Battleon-Seekrat Final Countdown
8 char wins, 0 guards, 1121 army
Lolosia-Seekrat Final Countdown
59 char wins, 0 guards, 0 army