
Staff of Awe!!!

Feather Buster

Frostgale's Pillar

Healing Branch

Kindred Spirits' Prestige

Mystic Star Sabre

Academy Wand

Aciel's Calamity Staff

Akasha Wand

Arcane Sword of Limkragg's Bane

Arcane Warmaster's Reaver

Arctic Athame

Autumn's Grace

Blade of the Briar

Blazing Solaris Blade

Bloodstained Morningstar Occult Cross

Book of Burns

Carnafex Sceptre

Cozy Staff

Cryocastellum Ceryceum

Dacra V

Divine Kazemai Athame

DreadStalker Staff

Earth Magestaff

Eclipsed Dragonlord's Insight

Elahi Crook of Osiris

Forgotten's Harrowing Totem

Frostval Staff

Geocastellum Staff

Glacial Short Staff

Guardian Harvest Staff

Guardian Magic Block Hammer VI

Harvest Hibernation Staff

Haunted Dragonlord's Insight

Havarti Blade

High Communicant's Judgement

High Oracle's Rod of Talados

Ice Cream Sceptre

Knightmare Standard

Lia Fa'il

Lion's Roar

Loremaster Tome

Lost Talon Focus

Lunar Hare Lantern


Maker-Touched Zweihander


Maurinelle's Melody

Mecha Knight Maul


Mistral's Pillar

Moonlit Predator Tablet

Mountain's Talon Focus

Mystic Caissa

Mystic Radiant Caissa

Mystic Retro Golden Axe

Nickelclad Stormheart

Nightbane Clawstaff

Paladin's Legacy

Pumpkin Fang

Rebirth Staff

Royal Elven Blade

Santarctic Destroyer

Scarab Mace

Sleighguard Frostvanala Staff

Snuggle Staff

Thunder Lord's Staff

Tome of Cerberus

True Arcane Nemesis' Condemnation

Tsunami Pen

Undead Cleric's Arm

Unstoppable Grakma Stinger

Visionary's Eternal Reignbringer

Warwolf Prime AL/LOCER MA00

Warwolf Prime CC-AL/LOCER MA00

Wicked King's Wrath

Wind Magestaff

Winds of Change Tome

Wingweaver's Indignation

Wishweaver's Indignation

Zombie Bane Staff


Greater Bright Blade of Victory

Lorekeeper's Oath

20th Anniversary Guardian Blade

Academy Blade

Chrono Paladin Hammer

Dark Chrono Paladin Hammer

Divine Kusanagi Sword

Edge of the End

Eternal Champion's Apex

Gauntlet of The'Galin

Greater Dark Blade of Victory

Horo-Show Void Vanquisher

Jalek's Panic Reaver

Mighty Radiant Caissa

Oath of Desire

Olymp Axe

Panforte Maul

Paragon Ice Blade

Patriot Katana

Pearl Dragon Blade

Platinum Edge

Possessed Diabolical Blade

Pyromancer's Bloodblade

Santarctic Punisher

Seal of Primal Shadows

Sleighguard Imperial Stormblade

Star Sabre of Pacifism

Star Sabre of Passion

Terror Eater

The End

Ultimate Dragon Scythe of Elements

Ultra Omni Knight Blade


Warmaiden's Garden Edge

Wingweaver's Wrath

Winter Warden's Basher


Academy Standard

Anchors Away Bow

Ashland Piercer

Commander's Stormlight Spear

Coral Reefseeker

Cotton Candy Spear


Fatal Chimeran Spear

Heroic Titan's Breaker

It Ends in Flame

Lullaby Harp

Prismatic Glory

Reaper of Souls

Santarctic Conqueror

Shadow Phoenix Bow

Sleighguard Paragon Polearm

Sweetheart Spear


True Deft Nemesis' Condemnation

Wingweaver's Fury

Winter Warden's Bombs


Insightful Armor of Awe!!!

Champion Holy Arcanist

Dark Invader

Fortune Thief

Frostgale's Legacy

Kindred Spirits' Valiance

Mark of Wrath

Pyromancer Bloodmage

Academy Elegance

Academy Exuberance

Advanced Luna Neko

Advanced Sol Neko

Advanced Vamp

Advanced Werepyre

Advanced Werewolf

Ancient Energy Dragon Form

Ancient Spirit Gi

Angelic Robes

Angel of Souls

Anthracite Coal Armor

Archmage Apprentice

Axemaster's Burden

Blarney Rogue 2

Blazing Reflecting Plate

Blazing Solaris Plate

Bloodstained Morningstar Bloodline

Blue Blood

Brilhado Necromancer Robes


Chthonian Count

Cougar Sol Neko

Deceiver's Fortune

Ebony Sepulchure Form

Elahi Waqaya of Osiris

Eternal Champion's Spirit

Eternal Reign Plate

Eternal Twilight's Mantle

Everglade Troll

Fae-Touched Knight's Regalia

Falerin's Bespoke Bedizen

Fall Dryad Form

Fatal Chimeran Vindicator

Frostval Spirit Armor

Fujin no Kiyousa

Fungibushi Armour

Geocastellum Robes

Ghost Costume

Golden Horror Werepyre

Gorarog Form

Grenwog Slayer Garb

Guardian Block Armor VI

Haunted Dragonlord Armour

Heartless Beast Werepyre

High Communicant's Zeal

High Oracle's Taladosian Robes

Horde's Ire

Horo-Show Void Vigilante

H-Series Tempest Power Armor

Ice Arms

Ice Cream Crusader


Khandie's Gown

Leopard Luna Neko

Lion Sol Neko

Little Me

Llyr's Druid

Lord of Thunder

Lost Talon Guardian

Mage Outfit

Malicious Devil Werepyre

Master Thief

Mecha Knight Powersuit


Mermazon Champion

Moonchaser Rider

Nocturnal Knight Rider

One Storm Armour


Predator of the Night

Psionic Vampire

Quester's Heavy Gunner

Radiant Warhorse

Radiant Winged Guardian

Rage Beast

Regal ReignDragon Rider

ReignDragon Rider

Retro Golden Plate

Retro Nightmare Plate

Riddle Regalia

Scathing Dreamweaver

Shadowfall Raiment

Shadow of Doubt G

She-Nyaa Form

Shinyaro Form

Shooting Circus Ubear Form

Sneak Garb

Solid Gold Luna Neko

Solid Gold Sol Neko

Spark of Serenity

Spellslinger's Obsidian Cloak



Summer Dryad Raiments

Santa Avenger

Svadilfari's Oath

Sweater Dragon Mount

Terror Raiment

Thunder Bride

Tiger Luna Neko

Torontosaurus Rex

True Nemesis' Testament

Type-Z Necromech

Tyrannochicken Rex Rider

Ultimate Hunter

Ultimon's Armour

Umazen Emancipator Armour

VelociZard Rider

Warg Rider

War's Legacy

White Howler

Wicked King Plate

Winter Dryad Bark

Winter Warden

Wyrm Knight's Hide

Yellow Pirate Costume



Exceptional Void Drayk

Fairy Godmother

Harpy Dragon


Kindred Spirits' Tranquility



Angra Linnorm

Baby Platinum Dragon

Baby Void Dragon

Badb Catha

Blustery Chibi Loco

Bobble Devourer

Bone Chinoceros


Chiaro Symbiote

Custom Zard

Dangerously Adorable Cabbit

Deadeye Cupid


DragonUltraMaster Chariot

Elahi Mau of Osiris

Emerald Golem

Eternal Reign Phoenix

Eternal Twilight's Harbinger


Fae Wanderer

Fatal Baby Chimeran

Floating Pie

Frost Effigy

Fujin's Curse


Geocastellum Cauldron

Greater Lightning Wyvern

Grotesque Eye Spy

Guardian Cadenced Cymbal Monkey

Guardian Darkzard

Guardian NPC in a Box VI

Hammer Turret G

Happy Cloud

High Communicant's Courage

High Communicant's Oath

High Oracle's Sacragon

Ice Cream Golem


Kiwwer Akriloth Guardian Plushie



Lil' Big Top

Lunar Spirit Cat

Lunar Wood Dragon

Maddening Evil Candy Cane

Model 294

Naughty Helves



Nickelclad Guardian Dragon Jr.

Opal Golem

Platinum Guardian Dragon Jr.


Reindeerling Slayer

Retro Twilly G

Roasted Chestnut


Scathing Dreamseer

Sea Turtle Defender


Sleighguard Imperial Altair

Snapping Turtle Terror

Solar Spirit Cat


Spotter Drake

Stunning Diamond Dog

Terror Aranacabra

The Cat

Thunder Lord's Ravens

Trjegul Jr.

True Nemesis' Guardian

Winter Warden's Abominite


Wyrm Knight's Familiar


UltraGuardian Shield

Fujin no Shukufuku

Eternal Twilight's Regalia

Fireworks Buckler

Horo-Show Void Vindicator

Kindred Spirits' Devotion

Lost Talon Tower

Umazen Aspis

Academy Pack

Ancient Tower Scale

Arthurian Shield

Autumn's Respite

Avenger's Bulwark

Benthic Cursed Crystal Ward

Blazing Father Time

Blazing Solaris Shield

Celtic Wheel

Cerberus Ward

Chimeran Vindicator Shield

Chrono Paladin Defender

Conglomerate Frankenshield

Cozy Farzhad Mogloo

Cryocastellum Defender

Dark Chrono Paladin Defender

Devoured Vengeance

Dimmed Sunless Heresy

Diversity Defender

Divine Yata Mirror


Dragon Strike Guard

Dreamweaver's Contempt

Eclipsed Dragonlord's Will

Elahi Ikm of Osiris

Emancipator's Radiance

Eternal Champion's Defiance

Eternal Reign Defender

Eye of Naab

Fae-Touched Knightly Ward

Fate's Betrayal

Father Time

Frostgale's Grace

Frostval Tree Topper

Full-Grain Grakma-Hide Shield


Geocastellum Bulwark

Geo Logos

Glory of the First

Golem Guard

Guardian Bouncy Trampoline

Guardian Luminous Shield

Guardian's Shield of Sands

Haunted Dragonlord's Will

Heroic Titan's Inspiration

High Communicant's Valiance

High Oracle's Taladosian Ward

Honorbound Croakward

Howling Crest

Huge Box o' Peanuts


Knightmare Omen

Lantern of Souls

Lt. Lore's Shield

Lunar Eclipse Shield

Mana Crystal Defender

Mecha Knight Defender

Memorial Shield

Mistral's Grace

Morningstar Bulwark

Mountain's Talon Tower

Mystic Father Time

Paleskull Defender


Pureheart Mirror

Retro Golden Shield

Scarab Shell

Serenia's Blessing

Serenia's Insight

Sleighguard Imperial Shield


Sovereign Horror Shield

Sparkling Ornament Shield

Special Edition Linking Logs

Starfish Stalwart

Stygian Cursed Crystal Ward

Sweetheart Shield

Tartan Shield G

Terror Totem

Thunder Lord's Crest

Titan's Fall

Trickster's Fanged Buckler

True Nemesis' Bastion

War-Torn Heirloom

Warwolf Prime CC SAMAEL ES3.6

Warwolf Prime SAMAEL ES3.6

Wingweaver's Aegis

Winter Shield

Winter Wardstone

Wishweaver's Aegis

Wyrd Ward

Wyrm Knight's Scales


Human Girl 6

Human Girl 14


Elf Female 2

Elf Female 12


Red Valkyrie

Rose Maiden

Loremaster F

Summer Time Female

Lorelympian F

Void of Nulgath F


Geocastellum F

Serenia's Defender F

Fiend of Light F

Marvelous Captain Unmasked Long Hair F

Fiesta Sombrero F

Mariachi F

Umazen Emancipator

Liberty Crown F

Vartai Warrior F

Avatar of War F

Mogloween Chef F

Frostgale Horns F

Festive Frostvale Hat F

Lady of Thunder

General of Cerberus F

Dwarven Miner Helm F

Native Chieftain Helm F

One-Winged Warrior F

Fallen Protector F

Maple Ushanka

Dapper Frostval Tophat F

Scottish Peacock F

Spring Dryad F


Willow Creek

Harvest Huntress

Noble Native

Winter Lorelympian F

Fortune Thief F

Master Fortune Thief F

Starslayer Locks

Hyarule F

Retro Golden Queen

PaleSkull Champion F

Chromatic Visage F

Chessmaster's Elite Style F

Lore Academy M

Lore Academy F

Eternal Champion Custom Helm F

20th Anniversary Party Hat F

Reclaimed Warlock Hat F

Spirit Harvester F

Eternal Champion Helm F

Stone Mask F

Paladin Chronomancer F

Dark Paladin Chronomancer F

Shadowstalker Mask F

Shugga Style F

Legion-deery Huntress

Thunder Bride

Sweetheart Screen F

Crow's Call Elite M

Crow's Call Elite F

The Huntress

Jester's Guise F

Aztec Queen Headdress

Unity Squad F

Demon Scout F

Mermazon Champion F

Retro Nightmare Helm F

Nemesis F

Magic Scholar F

Wingweaver Locks F

Wingweaver Ruler F

Dreadpirate F

Fallkyrie Helm F

21st Anniversary Top Hat F

Rising War Helm F

Endbringer's Revelation Helm M

Endbringer's Revelation Helm F

Pumpkin Spiced Hat F

Serenia's Gaze F

Heroic Titan Helm F

Spirit of Autumn Helm F

ChronoCroaker Helm F

Wolf Queen's Champion Helm F

Wolf Queen's Champion Helm M

Kitsune Bloom Mask F

Lovecaster Top Hat F

Moonlit Predator Huntress

Magus F

Queen Mother Crown

Queen Mother Crown & Veil

Praetorian Slayer F

Dreamcalled Healer F

Dancing Protector F

Praetorian Agent F

Dragonkrest of Krenos F

Summer Lorelympian F

Reign Visage F

Bruise Sistas

Sovereign of Nightmare's Funeral Mask F

Sleighguard Imperator Helm M

Sleighguard Imperatrix Helm F


Crucible of Fire V

Essence Orb

Everfrozen Shard

Feather of the Roc

Head of Raydius Dragon

Mother's Charm Earrings

Shadowfeeder Pendant

Urn of Daryngord

13th Mask

2021 Olympax Unity Medal

A Favour Repaid

All-Seeing Eye of the Sacragon

Amulet of Drakonnan

Amulet of Drakonnan G

AQ's 20th Birthday Cupcake

AQ's 21st Birthday Cupcake

Arcane Rift Key

Aum Plant

Baleygr's Omen

Beleqwaya's Gift

Bell Shell

Blazing Solaris Helm

Blood Orb G

Bloodstained Morningstar Emblem

Bone China Teapot


Bronze Sign

Celestial Phoenix Feather

Charm of Adoration

Chrono Paladin Hourglass

Coire Dagdae

Communicant's Wisdom

Cozy Fire Orb

Cracked Ornament

Crystal of Restless Shadows G

Cyclops' Eye

Dark Chrono Paladin Hourglass

Destruction Diamond

Divine Yasakani Jewel

Dragon Spirit Totem

Elahi Irt of Osiris

Enchanted Emerald

Epheel's Gift

Essence Orb

Excelsior Elixir

Ferocious Frostval Crown

Frigid Zorbak Doll

Frostgale's Remorse

Grakma Harbinger

Greater Water Orb

Green Dragon Guardian Ocarina

Guardian Cultivated Monocle

Guardian Despair Visage

Guardian Honorary Postdoctorate Diploma

Guardian's Urn of Prevailing Winds

Guardian Trail Mix


Heroic Titan's Pledge

Hollow Dragon Amulet

Horo-Show Void Visor

Iceborne Visage

Ice Orb Essence

Insightful Twilight Mirror

Kamohoali'i Jaw

Kitsune Mask

Knight Helm

Koofu Kaller

Layard's Loyalty

Legendary Shadow Crystal V1

Legendary Shadow Crystal V2

Light Orb

Liliana's Ring

Liquid Courage

Lost Talon Vision Shard

Love Potion #736

Lunar Wood Dragon Statue

Mark of Hope

Mecha Knight Power Core

Mermazon Crest

Mighty Twilight Mirror

Mindlock Orb V


Moldy Basilia Bread

Moontide Bracer

Mountain Pass Globe

Murderator Gauntlet

Mystic Plug

Nemesis Crest

Nicety Seal

Opulent Opal

Order of Terror and Horror

Paladin's Oath

Paleskull Helm

Paxia Award Trophy

Pearl of Power

Pet Whistle

Power Shard VI: Dr. Boom

Queen's Crown

Quillion V

Ravenous Talisman

Rejuvenating Necklace

Red Moondial

Reign's Memory

Roly-Poly Codpiece

Scrumptious Bora'jee

Shikyo Mask

Sphinx's Riddle

Terror Visage

Trickster's Pack

Trophy of Supreme Enthusiasm

Unbound Revelation

Verdant Frostval Crown of Precision

Waffle Cone

Warwolf ANDrAS Type-PC256

Wingweaver's Spirit

Wishweaver's Spirit

Wyrm Knight's Crest



ArchMage Research

Borrow G

Destruction Burst

Frigid Fury

Green Envy

Guardian Gnome Stampede VI

Sizzler 'Splosion

Thunder Wave

12th Day of Frostval

Abominable Assault [MP]

Abominable Frostbite

Absolute Darkness [MP]

Ancestral Forbiddance

Blazing Phoenix

Blood Ruby Rain

Blue Blazes

Burning Question

Call Chupacabra

Call Katabar

Call Twilly

Call Valencia

Candy Corn Tempest

Cherub Protection [MP]

Chocolate Syrup

Consuming Wizard's Fire

Cure Fatal Poisons

Damnation V

Death Chops


Dryad Aqua Blast

Emerald Rain

Fae Invocation

Fireball Z

Fowl Play


Glimpse of the Mountain [INT]

Goggplant Parmesan

Grand Erosion

Gravity Crush

Guardian Summon Eukara Vox VII

Healing Wings

Imanok Edoc

Imanok Edoc

Invoke Weredragon Breath

Jaania's Orb of Power

King Claw Assault [MP]

King Claw Assault [SP]

Loco Eggsplosion

Mandate LXXIV [MP]

Miraculous Recovery

Missile Barrage

Moglin Carolers

Moonwalker's Grace

Mystic Katabari Damage E

[MP] Nature's Reclamation

Nemesis Aura

Nightbane's Apotheosis

Opal Rain

Perfect Elemental Unity

Powerword Soupy Red Fog

Prime Sleighguard Blessing [MP]

Prime Sleighguard Blessing [SP]

Psycho Candy Hearts

Purple Rain

Rainbow Unicorn Attack

Rising Knightmare

Runic Binding [MP]

Santarctic Crusher [Intellect]

Scarab Swarm

Seeing Red

Sharpened Lawn Darts

Sol and Luna

Soul Steal

Star Forge

Summon Aquella

Summon Brooding Gatekeeper

Summon Coraline's Mother

Summon Draklin

Summon Essence of Carnage

Summon Guano Loco

Summon Icemaster Yeti

Summon Legion-Deery

Summon Poelala

Summon Seductive Amoria

Summon Sparkling Gatekeeper

Summon Truculently Guardian ElBhe

Summon Wind Spirit

Summon Woolly Thoctar V

Sword of Wind V

Terrapin Shell


Toy Soldier Bombardment

True Spellcraft

[SP] Unraveling Nightmare

Vidrir's Judgement

Void Dragon Ambush

War Dragon Breath

Warmaster's Burst [MP]

Warmaster's Burst [MP]

Whirl Tide

Your Body Heals at the Speed of Light


Vegetable Garden

Guard Tower

Trade Hut

Woodcutter Shack

Stone Pit

Dark Mana Collector

Mana Collector

Corn Field


Battle Stat Trainer

Magic Stat Trainer

Fishing Pond


Storage Building

Mega World Portal

Storage Building II

Ye Olde Eatery


Corn Field II

Fishing Pond II

Mana Collector II

Stone Pit II

Vegetable Garden II

Woodcutter Shack II

Storage Building III

Storage Building IV

Skycastle Wheat Field

Skycastle Wheat Field II

Skycastle Windmill

Skycastle Windmill II

Corn Field III

Fishing Pond III

Mana Collector III

Skycastle Wheat Field III

Skycastle Windmill III

Stone Pit III

Vegetable Garden III

Woodcutter Shack III

Storage Building V

Cave Entrance


Guard Dog

Phoenix Guard

Dragoncat Guard


Red Dragon

Ice Dragon


Master of Evil

Reign Phoenix


Krovesport Painting

Aria Portrait

Robina Portrait

Aquella Portrait

Captain Rhubarb Portrait

Frostval, Rise of the Frost Kingdom

The Frost King

Earth Dragon

Ruisha Gibet Portrait

Eselgee Portrait

Witches Portrait

Nightmare Town

Nightmare Family

Chilly and Robina

Hollow and Jess

Maxwell, Sasha and Emma

Anna and Scakk


The Huntress



Culak and Kendrel


Mother's Love

Nightbane's Last Stand


The Eternal


Temple of Hope Inside

Temple of Hope Outside


Old Twilly

Older Twilly

Old Boog


Portal to Trescol

Portal to Kairula

Twig Fishing Minigame

Falerin's Bier

Ghost Knight

Dracolich Head Portrait

Akriloth Head Portrait

Drakonnan Head Portrait

Carnax Head Portrait

The`Galin Head Portrait

SeekRat Head Portrait

Mogloween Portal Painting

Harvest Portal Painting

Blarney Portal Painting

Grenwog Portal Painting

April Fools' Portal Painting

Golden Giftbox Painting

Cinco DOOM Mayo Painting


When Powers Collide

Safiria - Vampire Queen

Sea Titan





RhubZard Portrait

Void Dragon Queen


Keyote the Heart Crusher

Chaos Knight

Death Flair

Ancient Four-Eyed Freak

Tooty FruitcakeZard

Gemini Twins



Alpha WereDragon

Diamond Dog Portal

Silk-Screamer Painting

Dragon of Time Portrait

SnuggleFest 2021 Portal Painting

SnuggleFest Bear Portal Painting

Baorus the Deathwright Painting

Bun-Banneret Void Painting

Wabio Painting

Frostval '21: The Knights and the Rat King

Frostval '14: It's a Wonderful Life of Crime

Frostval '15: Fruitcake Fury!

Frostval '16: Rise of the Sweater Zombies

Frostval '17: Island of Misfit Ornaments

Frostval '18: A Nightmarish Frostval Carol

Frostval '19: A Song of Ice & Thunder

Frostval '20: Horror and Terror

ChickenCow Portal Painting

April Fools' 2022 Portal Painting

Blarney War 4 Million Special

Mother's Day LTS Portal Painting

May the 4th LTS Portal Painting

Cinco de Mayo LTS Portal Painting

Thursday the 12th LTS Portal Painting

Memorial Portal Painting

Father's Day LTS Portal Painting

Summer Season LTS Portal Painting

Independence Day LTS Portal Painting

Pride Month LTS Portal Painting

Shark Week LTS Portal Painting

TLaPD 2022 Painting

20th Anniversary LTS Portal Painting

Harvest Season LTS Portal Painting

Frostval Season LTS Portal Painting

Frostval '22: No Place Like Home

New Year LTS Portal Painting

Legion LTS Portal Painting

Fool's Day LTS Portal Painting

Grenwog Festival LTS Portal Painting

Rainbow Path Festival Portal Painting

Back-To-School LTS Portal Painting

21st Anniversary LTS Portal Painting

Nickleclad Storm Owl

Harvest Golem

Frostval '23: Unboxing

Kero the ChronoCroaker

Eclipse LTS Portal Painting

Spring Season LTS Portal Painting

Winter Season LTS Portal Painting

Lunar New Year LTS Portal Painting

Staff Birthday LTS Portal Painting

Uncle Krenos

Lorelympian Games LTS Portal Painting

Copperclad Knight Owl

22nd Anniversary LTS Portal Painting

Fall Season LTS Portal Painting

Frostval '24: The Miracle of Peace


Clever Girl

Ace Detective

A Glorious Little Pile of Awesome

Alchemical Sleuth

Bane of the Night

Camp High Chancellor

Champion of Light

Child of Luna


Chromatic Champion


Cyclops Slayer

Dark Garden's Knight

Dark Paladin Chronomancer

Dawnstone Defender

Deep Sea Fisher

Divine Praetor

Doctor Deltoids


Dragon Princess


Easy Rider

End of the Cycle

Expert Guardian

Fears No Fruitcake

Frogzard Hunter

Gemini Rising

Ghost Hunter


Guardian of Destiny

Harbinger of Crows

Haunted Mage


Hero of Fortune

Hero of Prophecy

Hero of the Last Dawn


Immovable Hero


Knight of Twin Realms

Leaves No One Behind

Legendary Adventurer

Legendary Guardian

Lord of Thunder

Master Guardian

Master Terror


Monster Hunter

Nerd Crusher

Once and Future War

Paladin Chronomancer


Pirate Scholar


Queen Slayer

Rainbow Pathfinder

Reaper of Souls

Sailing Master

Savior and Destroyer

Saviour of Mogloween

Shock to the Heart

Slayer of the Wicked



Swimming in Riches

The Desert's Burning Heart

Timeless Legend

Titan of the Arena


Undisputed Genius

Wolf Queen's Claw


Zard of Seven Seas

WAR RECORDS (latest)

Frostval '24: The Miracle of Peace
1018 char wins, 201 guards, 10199 army

The Last Ride: Insurmountable
105 char wins, 108 guards, 6460 army

Chessmaster: Checkmate
2508 char wins, 126 guards, 8920 army

Chessmaster: Pawn Race
2508 char wins, 108 guards, 17313 army

Division By Zero
52 char wins, 0 guards, 985 army

Battle the Pirates - Pirates vs. Ninjas 2009
88 char wins, 11 guards, 349 army

Resistance is Feudal: For Gracefang
105 char wins, 75 guards, 634 army

Resistance is Feudal: For NightReign
8 char wins, 0 guards, 50 army

66 char wins, 0 guards, 123 army

66 char wins, 0 guards, 116 army