Clydeoscope Staffaxe
Loremaster Staff
Dragon King's Supreme Axe
Juicy Fruit
Mourn Staff G
Mooncrest Staff
Timekeeper Staff
Shadowwalker's Staff of Time
Blade of Awe!!!
Kabiran Defender
Dev's Blender of Blendingess
Darkness Rising
Onyxx Wartexx
Midnight Dragon Blade
Algern's Blade G
Infernal Bludrut Blade
Kingdom Breaker
Ultra Krieger Blade
Krenos' Essence Katana
Pixel Blade
Sinmaw Maul
Paramount Blade
Witch Waster
Moglord Axe
Monolith Mace
Frostval Merc's Blade
Nilak's Frostbite
French Vanilla Ice Katana
Horn of Tera'Suul
Frigid Fang G
Inclement Imposter
Ultra Omni Knight Blade
Heatwave Spadroon
Shadowfire Axe of Curses
Patriot Blade XIII
Holiday Colossus
Eyes of Chillax
Bloodthorn Blade
Giant Killer
Honed Vorpal Edge
Greenguard Avenger
Grand Tenderiser
Zombie Master Axe
Neo Airenal's Cunning
Puebla Wind Mace
Your Bologna
Long Talon
Samukematsuri Katana
Solid Gold Guardian Blade
Greater Bright Blade of Victory
Evil Jim's Guitar Blade
Carnafex Blade
Ethereal Soul Drinker
Mighty Blade of Frostval Past
Corrupted Pyro Chrono Dagger
Perfectly Balanced Blade
Gatekeeper's Edge
Master's Blade
Olymp Axe
Continuum Chronomancer Blade
Quantum Chronomancer Blade
Sandy Claw
Eternal Champion's Apex
Santarctic Punisher
Possessed Diabolical Blade
Chrono Paladin Hammer
Dark Chrono Paladin Hammer
Reaper of Souls
Volleyball GT
Ice Zaragoza
Time-Twisted Eye of Carnax
Harvest Reaver
Ultimate DragonLord Scythe
Mighty Ultra!!!Guardian Plate
Angel of Souls
Windter Warrior
Moglord Tortress
Armour of Frostval Past
White Knight Z
The Decimator
Golden Paragon Plate
Time-Twisted Carnax Fighter
Frostval Mercenary Garb
ShadowWalker of Time
Energy Realm Champion
Samukematsuri Samurai
Legendary Samurai Warlord O-Yoroi
Proc Testing Armor
Legendary Savage Werewolf Form
Vibrant Living Armour
My Way Armor VII
Tribal Shaman
Airenal's Might
Lord of the Skies
Zombie-Tested Axe Master Armor
Offensive Test Armour
Defensive Test Armour
Fat & Tacky Santa
Guardian Mesopelagic Salvation Armor
Witch Hunter
Pixel Hero
Chillax Crusader
Knight of the Fire Orb
Full Metal Santa
Bunny Jammies
Rust Raider
Pyromancer Bloodmage
Legendary Jolly Bard of War
Deceiver's Fortune
Jack Claws
Eternal Champion's Spirit
Knightmare Plate
Regal ReignDragon Rider
Neko Waifu
Moglord Warboar
WarpForce Moglin
Legendary Soluna
Dire Wolf
Lilliputian Sorcerer Army
Sacred Chicken
Infernal Djinn
Mini Chillax
Mini Nulgath
Guardian Angel
Legendary Pygmy Zombie Groupies
Vampoglin Lord
Greatest VampraCon
Pixel Stalker
Psychedelic Dinosaur
Maple Leaf Turkey '12
Glass Cannon
Crag & Bamboozle
Custom Zard
Blood Ruby Golem
Samukematsuri Kirin
Something Z
Legendary Deatharrows Cat
Sin of Revontheus
Ice Guardian Dragon Jr.
Grounded Chibi Loco
Cometoid Jelly
Sneaking Diamond Dog
Ghost Hound
Platinum Guardian Dragon Jr.
Knightmare Squire
Rocky Godmother
Ultra!!!Guardian Shield
Lantern of Souls
Arc Shield
Airenal's Crest
Paramount Shield
Hydro Blaze Shield
Father Time
Cosmic Ethereal Shield
Stout Talon
Bloodthorn Shield
Greenguard Defender
Moglord Shield
Resilient Arm Floaty
Hand of Chillax
Frostval Merc's Reflexes
Cutting Edge Guard
Pixel Guard
My Way Shield VII
Darkovian Bulwark
Heritage Memorial Shield
Accordion Shield
Zombie Axe Master Shield
Darkheart Mirror
Samukematsuri Buckler
Energy Realm Protector
Defender of Frostval Past
Corrupted Pyro Chrono Shield
Lorian Shield
Continuum Chronomancer Shield
Quantum Chronomancer Shield
Grinning Jack
Knightmare Omen
Chrono Paladin Defender
Dark Chrono Paladin Defender
Mage Male
Mighty Dread Pirate
Red Viking
Gecko Helm M
Loremaster M
Summer Time Male
Lonely Ranger M
Tontar Knight M
Demonmancer M
Shades M
Vartai M
Captain Rhubarb
Demon Retro
Void of Nulgath M
Dark Panther M
Loco M
Deceiver's Hood M
Paladin Chronomancer M
Dark Paladin Chronomancer M
Magic Scholar M
Helm of Drakonnas
Helm of Drakonnan
Pendant of The`Galin G
Power Shard VI: Dr. Boom
Rejuvenating Necklace
Minotaur's Pride
Head of Raydius Dragon
Moglord Crown
Frostval Merc's Smoke Grenade
Shield Generator
Heart of Chillax
Bronze Sign
Iron Sign
Fire Sign
Wood Sign
Water Sign
Stone Sign
Crucible of Fire V
Mindlock Orb V
Blue Server Cap
Red Server Cap
Mogga Idol 13
Guardian Golden Helmet
My Way Helm VII
Zombie Heart
Paladin's Oath
Pixel Ether
Amish Hat
Fruitcake Brick
War Totem
10th Anniversary Shirt
Gemini Pendant
Windter Crown
Trophy of Supreme Enthusiasm
Greater Water Orb
Blood Ruby
Samukematsuri Oni Mask
Helm of Frostval Past
Loaded Dice
Order of Terror and Horror
Chrono Paladin Hourglass
Dark Chrono Paladin Hourglass
Guardian Honorary Postdoctorate Diploma
Catching Fire
Cysero's Teleport Booth
Guardian's Embrace the Shadows
Moglord War Party
Pixel Storm
Frostval Merc's Regen Factor
Breath of the Ice Lord
Drone Strike
Powerword Die Ultra
Call of Chillax
Guardian Toy Bomb
Summon Wybie
Kiss of the Amesha VIII
Midnight Rider
Carnax Stomp G
Yellow Snow DOOM!
Champions of Lore
Champions of Lore II
Drop the MOAP
Candy Cane Cataclysm
No Lemons, No Melon
Fruitcake Fury
Purple Rain
Giant Friends
Biggest Fan
Blood Ruby Rain
Samukematsuri Caltrops
Spectral Chains
Invincible Star
Undead Reindeer Stampede
Santarctic Crusher [Strength]
Rising Knightmare
Powerword Bye
Guard Tower
Trade Hut
Woodcutter Shack
Stone Pit
Mana Collector
Deren Wheat Field
Corn Field
Fruit Orchard
Battle Stat Trainer
Magic Stat Trainer
Fishing Pond
Storage Building
Mega World Portal
Storage Building II
Deren Mana Collector
Ye Olde Eatery
Corn Field II
Mana Collector II
Stone Pit II
Woodcutter Shack II
Testy Vegetable Garden
Storage Building III
Storage Building IV
Skycastle Wheat Field
Skycastle Wheat Field II
Skycastle Windmill
Skycastle Windmill II
Corn Field III
Mana Collector III
Mountain Hunt Lodge III
Skycastle Wheat Field III
Skycastle Windmill III
Stone Pit III
Vegetable Garden III
Woodcutter Shack III
Storage Building V
Cave Entrance
Dragoncat Guard
Sarah the Nerfkitten
Red Dragon
Ice Dragon
Void NightBane
Master of Evil
Reign Phoenix
Spirit of Light
Mighty Shadow Hydra
Mighty Shada' Naga Baba Yaga
Mighty Shadow Minotaur
Mighty Shadow Roc
Female Neko Waifer
Male Neko Waifer
Keyote the Heart Crusher
Diamond Dog Guard
Krovesport Painting
Twilly Portrait
Safiria Portrait
Artix Portrait
Aria Portrait
Zorbak Portrait
Robina Portrait
Drakonnan Portrait
Riona Portrait
Captain Rhubarb Portrait
Drakonnan's Throne
NightBane vs. Wolfwing
The Nautican Bard
The Nautican Thinker
Bishop Finch Painting
Dragon's Eye
Artix in Darkovia
Aquella's Light
Pae the Gecko
Witches Portrait
Nightmare Town
Nightmare Family
Chilly and Robina
Hollow and Jess
Maxwell, Sasha and Emma
Anna and Scakk
Culak and Kendrel
Mother's Love
Nightbane's Last Stand
The Eternal
Temple of Hope Inside
Temple of Hope Outside
Old Twilly
Older Twilly
Old Boog
Portal to Trescol
Portal to Kairula
Cinco DOOM Mayo Painting
Chairman Platinum
Mogloween Portal Painting
Harvest Portal Painting
Snugglefest Portal Painting
Blarney Portal Painting
Grenwog Portal Painting
April Fools' Portal Painting
IMR Testy Painting
Golden Giftbox Painting
Cinco DOOM Mayo Painting
Frostval '15: Fruitcake Fury! [1E]
Sea Titan
Frostval '17: Island of Misfit Ornaments [1E]
RhubZard Portrait
Frostval '18: A Nightmarish Frostval Carol [1E]
Keyote the Heart Crusher
April Fools' 2020 Portal Painting
Diamond Dog Portal
Mogloween '20 Portal Painting
Harvest Fest 2021 Retro Portal Painting
Frostval '21: The Knights and the Rat King
Mother's Day LTS Portal Painting
Thursday the 12th LTS Portal Painting
Summer Season LTS Portal Painting
Fool's Day LTS Portal Painting
Grenwog Festival LTS Portal Painting
Back-To-School LTS Portal Painting
Guardian of the Realm
Legendary Guardian
Nerd Crusher
This is my old title
Master Terror
Cuts Like a Katana
Essence of the Ice
High Cleric of the Chicken
In Hot Water
Champion of Airenal
Gets By with a Little Help from my Friends
Soul of War
Swimming in Riches
The Decimator
Broke the Boundaries
Like A Bat Out of Heck
Emperor of Lore
Mathematically Speaking
Deep Sea Fisher
Corrupted Pyro Chronomancer
Zard of Seven Seas
Mister Frostval
Mister Frostval
Continuum Chronomancer
Quantum Chronomancer
Paladin Chronomancer
Dark Paladin Chronomancer
Blarney: Fight Wabio!
0 char wins, 1 guards, 1 army
Blarney: Fight Sham!
0 char wins, 0 guards, 2 army
Out of Order
0 char wins, 0 guards, 344 army
Dragons Gone Wild 2018
0 char wins, 0 guards, 355 army
Blarney 2018: Ninjachauns
0 char wins, 0 guards, 212 army
Blarney '17 - Battle at Sea!
0 char wins, 0 guards, 287 army
Insult to Injury: Nocturu
24 char wins, 0 guards, 19 army
Insult to Injury: Lucian
4 char wins, 0 guards, 11 army
Insult to Injury: Nautica
4 char wins, 0 guards, 167 army
Insult to Injury: Dynami
8 char wins, 0 guards, 151 army